Still feeling rather iffy and this blessed catarrh is driving me mad! Got the rest of my unpacking done and washing up to date after getting up fairly early for me so an early night is most probably on the cards. .. and SO bloomin' cold too!
Morning Emm,
I doubt they're messing you. It's just a run of bad luck and typical "customer no service". I hope it gets sorted soon. Is your heat working? (I hope)
Morning Mel,
Thankfully heating is working today.. and do hope you are right about the service situation. I shall be gutted if no one arrives today..we shall see.
. . . Math is not my forte - but I think that's 2 pounds a month. You can do that!![]()
Morning Emm!
Freaking cold here - but sunny. I'll take that over gloomy and mild.
I hope you're having a good day.
Morning Emm,
I'd love to see your project when you've finished. You sure get out and about a lot - that's very good.
Low carb works best for me.
Emmaline;7692677[COLOR=#2f4f4f said:. . .Having a bit of a problem with a bank payment to a catalogue company. It's rather strange that I set up their banking details on my account and paid an amount in November which went thro' successfully but my payment in December has gone adrift. Sent them an email with attached bank details which they apparently couldn't open so the saga continues.
. . . Very curious email from Kays catalogue.. I bought my TV for the bedroom off the catalogue for £279. I paid £100 on October 18th, £79 on November 19th, £60 on December 7th and £40 on January 15th which in my book totals the £279 paid but they say I am £79 in credit and do I want that returned to me by cheque?
That's after a long list of errors they have made which I have been trying to get them to sort out.
Contact your bank and ask them to do a full trace of where the money has gone.
Yes please to the cheque. If they can't get their account right, just grab it back.
The bank are only saying that the payment left your bank account - not that it reached the intended recipient.I did check with the bank who said that it went through okay.
The bank are only saying that the payment left your bank account - not that it reached the intended recipient.
You need to get them to do a FULL trace. This way you will get confirmation that it went to the ontended recipient.
Doesn't matter that previos payments got ther - this one might not have.
Are these the same people though that are saying you are £79 in credit?
If so tell them to get real!