2 stone Yay!!
Lost 3lb overnight !!!
Dont know what the hell is going on , yesterday I was 10.12.6 and today Im 10.9.8 so thats 2.8lb over night
I had to get back on the scales to check
I have been trying forever and a day to hit 10.10 and make it 2 stone off , but couldnt seem to get there
what have I done differently ? well the last few day Im eating more , around 1000 calories a day and Ive upped my carb intake to about 80-100 , becasue Im fed up going in and out of ketosis and the headaches and lethargy
plus Ive started walking uphill on the treadmill every day for 30 minutes and need the extra calories and energy
Im eating lots of protein , most days 2 chicken breasts and a tin of tuna , Im stealing chips of my sons plate at dinner time, jelly babies in the car , 7 carbs each , I nearly bloody fainted when I realised that
So I really dont get what is going on but Im thrilled
Im happier , have more energy and had resigned myself to losing the remaining 20lb over the next few months at 1lb or less per week
Tracking on My Fitness Pal everyday has been a revelation , seeing exactly what carbs and protein Im eating is making me really try hard to get the balance right for losing weight
Im still using s and s packs , yesterday I had porridge and chilli , the day before 2 porridge , 1 chilli , 1 spag bol , becasue while Im getting used to tracking I want to know Im still getting good nutrition, plus I have packs to use up.
I really want my s and s 28 lb badge but Im going to hold off in case this is a fluke and I go back up tomoro , if I maintain this loss ill give it to myself on Mothers Day