Pheonix's Diary

I find that shopping online is easier for me. I add things I need, not things I see in the offers section whilst wheeling the trolley past, or 500 packs of donuts because they were reduced to 10p when I walked in the shop :).

I'll have to give MFP a whirl. Is it something you do on the PC or the phone? We had an electric running machine like one of those they have in a gym but we gave it to our builder when he asked if we used it anymore. Cost us £130 on Ebay and they were about £1500 new at the time. Wish I'd kept it really.
I hate shopping anyway so it will give me another excuse not to leave the house
might have to invest in a freezer , Ive only got a small compartment in my fridge atm
so nowhere to store all the chicken breasts and white fish

makes more sense to shop fortnightly

ive found a great little fruit and veg shop that does delivery and ive compared their prices to tesco , some things actually are cheaper , they also do eggs and bread , need to see if they do rye

took me an hour to put the treadmill together , its going to be bloody hard work , becasue its manual (dont know why they say manual , I dont run on my hands ) anyway it has to be on an incline for it to work using the force of you basically and not power

you also have to hold the side bars or it just stopsas you have nothing to force against , so you cant swing your arms which feels really odd , it was only £140 from amazon and i know a power one would be lots more and probably bulkier too , this folds up quite nicely and I can store it behind my sofa

you got a real bargain there !!

I had a go on it and its going to take some getting used to , not like normal running at all , but im not ready to inflict all my wobbly bits and panting on the local neighbourhood yet

mfp is awesome , and they have the s and s packs on there , couldnt believe it

add me when you get there , pheonix2011

I do it on the laptop but you can do it on your phone too , i think its just harder to edit , add friends etc on the phone
Hi Phoenix just wanted to say you inspired me to give the c25k a go!! I'd never heard of it before and gave it a go this morning and am very nackered but feeling proud I managed it. Not sure what I'll do weekdays when there's more people around though, my sure the flat downstairs would like it if I bought a treadmill! good luck with yours x
well done , did you do it outside ? I couldnt even finish it
I wish I could run outside now , the treadmill is so hard as its a manual and on a permanent uphill incline
but Im a single parent with a 5 yr old and also a childminder
theres literally about 2 hours per week when i dont have a child with me , so i figured that it was a good investment
mine is quite noisy , luckily my neighbours get up early so me running at 8am wont have bothered them too much I hope

ive posted on another thread about it , in the excercise section , just wanting to know if almost dying after 12 minutes is normal , lol

its been suggested that i just walk the 30 minutes to start with until I get used to the treadmill and feel like I can do the joggy bits , I think thats a good idea actually , it also means I can do it every day , I reckon 30 minutes walking uphill everyday will burn alot of calories

Good luck with it , theres a thread in the off topic section on s and s , join me there , we can keep each other going
I used to do brisk uphill walking on the treadmill for 40 mins, but every 5 mins I did 1 and half min of jogging used to average 80-100 cals per 10 mins, obviously it's dependant on your weight but it's at least a couple of hundred cals I guess x
Yeah it was outside, we live on quite a new estate which isn't finished yet and over the back is kind of offices and stuff so was all nice and quiet. Monday morning however I'll have to be early to beat the builders and office workers!!!
It was damn hard an I'm glad I'll get a day off now! Felt like all sorts of bits were bouncing around. Managed the running bits ok, taking teeny weeny steps but my walking wasn't exactly 'brisk'!!! Enjoyed my Choco crispy shake when I got back though! x
Apparently id doesnt matter how slowly you jog , its more important that you finish
I am definitely just walking it from now on and ill know when im ready to add the jogs in
Id rather take twice as long to to the programme than give up becasue I cant keep pace
its all exercise after all and better than sitting on me ass :)
Absolutely! I might well be the exception to the rule about running a 30min 5k in 9 weeks, more like 9 years for me but it's better then nothing!
And well done you for doing it while you have kids to look after, luckily I only have a husband to take care of at the mo :) x
lol shouldnt he be taking care of himself !!

lucky for me I have no man in my life lol,

well ill have to try and fit the walks / runs in when the little ones are sleeping , shouldnt be too difficult , they are all under 3 and still nap

im actually looking forward to it , sounds weird after this mornings epic fail !! but Ive worked out walking uphill for 30 mins at about 3.5 miles per hour , 7 days a week burns about 1400 calories , so that has gotta be worth doing , it might perk my butt cheeks up a bit too , ha ha
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Phoenix, just got round to catching up with you diary and what a week you have had.

That's fab that your son did so well in his army selection. I understand your mixed feelings though. My eldest son is in the army and I do worry about where he may get posted. He has not done a tour of Afghanistan yet, but I have resigned myself to the fact that it is probably only a matter of time. If it is what they want though and it makes them happy........

Anyway, well done on your latest loss. Please dont waver and disappear off here - I need the support of you guys who are close to target so that I know it's not just me who's struggling.

I reckon the treadmill will help a lot. It cannot be a coincidence that the more effort I put in at the gym, the better the loss (or should I say, in my case, the better the damage limitation).

Apparently running is one of the best exercises for toning. Not quite sure on that one but if it goes anywhere near improving my saggy stomach, I will give it a go! I explained to the gym trainer this morning that I was struggling to run for two minutes without an iron lung and she suggested that it would be fine to start by lightly jogging for one minute then briskly walking for three. As stamina builds up, try a little more jogging and less walking. I will give it a try the next time I am there.

Good luck with your training programme and let us know how you get on.
What a lovely post , thankyou Frannie
I really feel for you , I cant imagine how im going to feel when the time comes for him to be deployed , it is a way off yet , but even if he is too late to go to Afghan , who knows what conflicts are around the corner.Ill have to get used to the idea though , he plans on it being his lifetime career if he has anything to do with it.
Ive had a year to get used to the idea of him joining , because of his job choice its a long joining process , quite frustrating for him.

But no matter what we feel , we just have to swallow it dont we? and support them in what they want to do and lets face it there arent many opportunities in civvy street for young men these days

Im still about 20lb off target , and I feel like im jumping ship a bit early but its just not working for e anymore so time to change tactics

I have been doing some research about getting rid of my horrid belly , and i keep seeing running as a good option , something to do with a combination of exercising all the core muscles equally and targeting belly fat

so figure its worth a try , and the programme gradually gets you from walking to running at your own pace , Ill use the podcasts on the nhs website to time walks and runs Im logging my progress in the s and s off topic section
Ok , so the sun is shining , Ive been for a walk , took lo to the park , bought enough chicken for 2 weeks , done some spring cleaning and im in a good mood

I dont know if the sun has gone to my head but I had a bit of a revelation , its only 27 days to my holiday , i have about enough packs to last that long , all the bars have gone , so the evil temptation has been removed, Im getting used to mfp and feeling a sense of control creeping back so .......

why dont I try to be 100% for the next 27 days and then end my s and s journey with a last ditch attempt to shift as much as I can

go on holiday , overindulge for a week of course , see my friends , (they always reinvigorate me and fill me with confidence) , and then start the next chapter of my weight loss/get fit goal

I knew it would take a few days to come to some sort of conclusion but I pulled out my summer cropped jeans and a little summer top and I feel great in them, so it has all been worth it and I can do just a little bit more before I leave

I really hope I havnt set myself up for a fall , I might feel differently tomoro but I suppose you just have to go with it sometimes.
Just go with it Phoenix, motivation is everything as you know, and you'll easily get a few more pounds off if you stick with it.
a before and after pic

The before pic is actually 4 yrs old but I started this diet in August at the same weight as I am in this pic
I couldnt find any body shots more recent as Im very good at hiding from the camera and any pics I have of me in the last few years are strictly from the neck up or they just get deleted


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Ive only lost 26 lb but I just wanted to show that even a relatively small loss compared to what some have lost or want to lose can make a big difference to someone

Im only 5ft 2" and have large breasts which have shrunk a little but not loads , Im apple shaped and I thought I hadnt lost much round my middle but clearly thats actually where the majority of the weight has gone from
Its good to look back and remind myself :)
Wow your so slim :) well done!!!!!
26lbs is a lot Phoenix. Think about how hard it can be and how long it can take to lose "those lst 5lbs".
And you look fab now. Really, really trim and svelte :)
phoenix2010 said:
The before pic is actually 4 yrs old but I started this diet in August at the same weight as I am in this pic
I couldnt find any body shots more recent as Im very good at hiding from the camera and any pics I have of me in the last few years are strictly from the neck up or they just get deleted

Oh my gawd, you look fantastic! It's so good to put people's weight loss in visual terms! Well done you! Pretty sure my 26lbs haven't made half so much difference! x