2015 and It's Now or Never!

Thanks for the comments ladies.. enjoyed my visit with you all.
Must admit I look like I'm a bit drunk on the photo ..no doubt 'cos of all the morphine I'd taken. ..:silly:

Journey home was much of a muchness!! You know what these coach travels are like.. and this one was about the same as the going there one where we got waylaid because of breakdowns.. Makes for a fun time!
Lovely to meet you Emm, be nice if you could do York... xx

May do that Chelle..will be keeping that in mind.

Monday 27th April 2015

Weight today rather a big gain.. 197lbs..(14st1lb) that's a whopping 4lbs+. Think that it's mainly fluid due to my having to take a few doses of morphine because the coach journeys were so drawn out and horrendous. Got diverted going there due to taking other passengers to their broke down service and then coming back we had to be taken to meet our coach which had broken down outside London.
Got home last night at 10.30pm had a quick cuppa and fell into bed where I remained until 9.30 this morning.

Quite surprised that I've been able to get about reasonably well today even if it has been rather gingerly.
The photo has rather amazed me .. or should that be shocked me.. I'm so bloomin' FAT!!
Really must get myself into gear, not make any more excuses and be honest about the why's and how's of every days intake.
Sugar free biscuits are not going to be on my shopping list because of the additives that are in them..

Sweetener warning: Acesulfame Potassium contains methylene chloride, a known carcinogen - NaturalNews.com

Far better to be stricter and just have ONE if necessary at all.

Interesting info about mangos .. King of the fruits apparently..

Mango fruit nutrition facts and health benefits

Breakfast - Liberte Strawberry Yogurt 100g
Lunch - Bread 31g + Cheese 40g + Tomato Cup-a-soup
Snack - Mango 125g
Dinner - Bread 34g + Butter 6g + Ham 75g + Mustard
Supper - Liberte Peach Yogurt 100g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1184 Carbs 99 SatFat 18 Protein 58 Sodium 20005 Fibre 7

Glad the meet was a success :). Sorry the journey was so awful :(. I bet you are right that most of your gain is water weight - and that will come right back off. I agree about sugar free biscuits - I must say I avoid snacks because one is rarely enough. I have my fruit during the day and that is fine. There is the odd time when the only thing that will do is chocolate, and that happens fairly rarely so if it does I just give in. The good news is I react strangely to chocolate, if I have too much it makes me sleepy and I have to go to bed :). A good snooze and then the next day no more cravings.
Morning Emm, :)

Sorry to hear the coach journeys weren't very good for you. Best to stay away from sugar free biscuits.If you need something what about when you go shopping treat yourself to one fun size bar.

Latest vid of Grand D up on fb.She is learning her ballet dancing moves. ;)

Evening Mary,
Biscuits are not just a treat ..it's because they are handy for when I have to take more meds and need to eat something first otherwise I don't as a rule eat them.

Saw your little Grand D and she is so sweet.. certainly learning all the moves well!

Glad the meet was a success :). Sorry the journey was so awful :(. I bet you are right that most of your gain is water weight - and that will come right back off. I agree about sugar free biscuits - I must say I avoid snacks because one is rarely enough. I have my fruit during the day and that is fine. There is the odd time when the only thing that will do is chocolate, and that happens fairly rarely so if it does I just give in. The good news is I react strangely to chocolate, if I have too much it makes me sleepy and I have to go to bed :). A good snooze and then the next day no more cravings.

Thanks Caroline, Must say I'm not feeling half as bad as I thought I would.
Very pleased to say that I've already lost a whole pound of that extra today.

Tuesday 28th April 2015

Had quite a good night which I am well pleased about.
Went out to visit a friend this afternoon and had a good chinwag... put the world to rights..as one does.

Menus very good:

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Bran 5g + Honey 7.5g
Lunch - Cheese 50g + Salad + Salad Cream 30g
Snack - NIL
Dinner - Turkey Escalope + Brussel Sprouts 65g + Carrot 95g + Mash 30g + Tomato Ketchup 30g
Supper - Liberte Peach Yogurt 100g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1117 Carbs 105 SatFat 21 Protein 53 Sodium 1524 Fibre 13
Could you trust yourself with individual wrapped biscuits. The ones you get 2 in a pack.Or would that still tempt you to eat more of them?

I don't very often indulge in too many biscuits Mary.. it's just as I have said a quick something to eat so I can take my tablets.

Wednesday 29th April 2015

Weight today another 1lb+ down which is just about where I was at the beginning of the year.
Went out to lunch.. Morrisons of course!
No chicken so had gammon egg peas and chips which was very nice.
Tesco for petrol and then lots of fruit plus a pack of chocolate wafer biscuits and only ate ONE ! Yay!
Then to the bank which I needed to get some money for tomorrow night but just managed to do that before my back caved in altogether.. but then met my neighbour on the way in and stopped and had a chat with her... comparing all our aches and pains as one does..:D

Menus fair:
Breakfast - Oats 35g + Honey 7.5g
Lunch - Morrisons Gammon egg peas & chips + Hot chocolate
Snack - Tesco Chocolate Wafer Biscuit
"Dinner" - Banana
Supper - Liberte Peach Yogurt 100g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1286 Carbs 154 SatFat 28 Protein 58 Sodium 1244 Fibre 12
Well done on the pound down, even if it is where you were at start of year :)
Gammon egg,chips peas sounds lovely! :D
and lol at comparing aches & pains with neighbour.....i do that with my OH ...and we're in our 40's !:D
Thursday 30th April 2015

Fairly good day pain wise and got quite a few things done.

Went to writing course this evening which was very interesting and very enjoyable.
Was able to write a lot more than I had thought I was capable of doing especially as my intentions is not to write a novel like the others but my life story. The tutor is such a nice person too.

Phone message from my D when I got home to say that she is going to have to take one of their dogs to be put to sleep tomorrow as she (the dog) is suffering with cancer of the bones and is now very ill..Such a shame as this dog called Honey altho' she's a Rottie is really sweet.
It's one of those occasions when I don't know what to do for the best. :sigh:

Left it a bit too late to have a proper meal before I went out but I had a good lunch so that was okay altho' as usual the carbs are too high again!!

Breakfast - Allbran 30g + Milk SS 85ml
Lunch - Bacon 65g + Eggs poached 2
Snack - Mango 300g + Digestive Biscuits 2
Evening - Bread 34g + Cheese 27g
Supper - Wholegrain Crackers 4
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1130 Carbs 127 SatFat 16 Protein 54 Sodium 1765 Fibre 23
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Another good food day all things considered.

What a shame about the dog, your daughter must feel really bad.

The writing class sounds great.

Enjoy your weekend.
Morning Emm xx

Evening Chelle.

Another good food day all things considered.

What a shame about the dog, your daughter must feel really bad.

The writing class sounds great.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thanks Caroline.

Friday 1st May 2015

Another quite good day.
Kept wondering whether to phone my D and have a word but decided to leave it for another couple of days to let her get over the worst.

Fell foul of a few left over crackers that just had to be finished off!!.. carbs up again.. :sigh:

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Bran 5g + Honey 7.5g & Coffee with Milk SS 140ml
Lunch - Bacon 20g + Bread 34g + Butter 6g + Brown Sauce 3g
Snack - Conference Pear + Multigrain Crackers 4
Dinner - Salmon canned 100g + Salad + Salad Cream 30g
Supper - Liberte Peach Yogurt 100g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1120 Carbs 134 SatFat 13 Protein 55 Sodium 1533 Fibre 19
Afternoon Emm,

Hope all is well ? :)

Afternoon Emm x

Evening ladies..struggling a bit just lately.

Monday 4th May 2015

Not feeling the best so rather than post a load of poor me-isms I find it better to not do anything at all.

Did have a phone call from my D yesterday as she was in rather a distressed state as she was at home alone and feeling the sadness of not having her dog Honey.
I was pleased to think that she would still come and have a chat with me under those circumstances.

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Honey 7.5g
Lunch - Bread 34g + Cheese 17g
Snack - Mango 1 + Magnum White Icecream
Dinner - Rainbow Trout Fillet + Br. Sprouts 85g + Garden Peas 95g + Mash 30g + Th.Isle Dressing 30ml
Supper - Liberte Strawberry Yogurt 100g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1183 Carbs 137 SatFat 22 Protein 67 Sodium 746 Fibre 18
Tuesday 5th May 2015

Mix of a day.. pouring with rain one minute and then sun out and looks lovely.

Sewing group this afternoon.. one of the women is quite standoffish and constantly will start up a conversation with someone else when a discussion is already in the process which I think is very rude especially as there is only six of us. I had been considering confronting her about it but then last night decided not to rock the boat but it was interesting that as I came away today the "chatterbox" woman (who has turned out to be a very nice person..how wrong can you be!?) asked me about that same problem and said she thought her attitude was very rude too. I shall have to think of a way to broach this before I get so angry that I blurt out something in the heat of the moment!!

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Honey 7.5g
Lunch - Bread 34g + Cheese 27g
Snack - Digestive Biscuits 2 + Mini Mars Bar 1
Dinner - Cod in Crumbs + Carrots 110g + Br. Sprouts 85g + Garden Peas 100g + Mash 30g + Tom.Ketcup 30g
Supper - Liberte Strawberry Yogurt 100g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1276 Carbs 159 SatFat 16 Protein 58 Sodium 1420 Fibre 18
Tuesday 5th May 2015

Mix of a day.. pouring with rain one minute and then sun out and looks lovely.

Sewing group this afternoon.. one of the women is quite standoffish and constantly will start up a conversation with someone else when a discussion is already in the process which I think is very rude especially as there is only six of us. I had been considering confronting her about it but then last night decided not to rock the boat but it was interesting that as I came away today the "chatterbox" woman (who has turned out to be a very nice person..how wrong can you be!?) asked me about that same problem and said she thought her attitude was very rude too. I shall have to think of a way to broach this before I get so angry that I blurt out something in the heat of the moment!!

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Honey 7.5g
Lunch - Bread 34g + Cheese 27g
Snack - Digestive Biscuits 2 + Mini Mars Bar 1
Dinner - Cod in Crumbs + Carrots 110g + Br. Sprouts 85g + Garden Peas 100g + Mash 30g + Tom.Ketcup 30g
Supper - Liberte Strawberry Yogurt 100g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1276 Carbs 159 SatFat 16 Protein 58 Sodium 1420 Fibre 18

Weather is a bit erratic it thundered here just after I got home! X
Another event that didn't go too well.. I had been intending to go to one of the luncheon clubs for a while now and Thursday was a good morning when the back pains were quite reasonable so off I went. On arriving the lady in charge came out to meet me and showed me where to go introducing me to some who were there which was about twenty altogether. I did have a bit of a chat with one or two but as soon as the lunch was due to be served up ALL of them crowded round one table even to the extent that the people serving got quite annoyed as they were even sitting at each end which made it difficult for them to serve up.. and I was on my own at another table.
The lady in charge came over and apologised and was very upset and annoyed at this and then went and said the same to all of them but no one made any attempt to come and sit with me.
The majority of them were people who actually lived there and the others were visiting them so I do understand the situation but never the less I considered that extremely rude and I wont be going back there again.

On a better note .. the writing course class went well and I had some one to one tuition from the tutor which I thought was very good of her. I had told my hairdresser in the afternoon that I was in the process of beginning to write my life story and she immediately said she wanted to buy a copy.. which was quite amusing seeing as I have hardly put pen to paper as yet!
Hi Emm, sorry you had a bad time at the luncheon :(

Great news on writing your life story, I'll bet you've got some stories to tell too!

Have a good day :)
Oh that was very rude of them. I had a similar experience at a mother and baby group it was horrible. But you are right don't go back they aren't worth it.
Good news that someone wants to buy your life story already though. Hope today goes better for you

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Monday 11th May 2015

WI was just a smidgeon down from last week... no bother.

Beautiful day here.. lovely and warm with just a nice bit of breeze.
Went to a Knit & Natter club which one of the sewing group women had told me about.. She was there plus several others..about 10 of us altogether. Had a really nice afternoon. I was struggling to crochet a little flower to put on the doll's jacket I had knitted for my grt grand but not having much success so one of the women, who apparently is quite an expert at crochet, made one for me and it is soo sweet.
crochet-basic-flower-motif.jpg picture doesn't do it justice tbh... and it's just 1" across.

Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon making meatballs which turned out awful especially as I hadn't chopped the onions up fine enough with the result they didn't cook properly. I ate one as a taster but was so annoyed with the result that I've thrown them all in the bin. I have so got out of being able to cook considering that I used to be very good at one time! :sigh:

Had salmon salad for my meal this evening.. nothing to cook in that..

Counts today: Cals 1243 Carbs 130 SatFat 16 Protein 74 Sodium 2240 Fibre 11
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