2015 and It's Now or Never!




I am back after my short flounce! :eek: I miss it too much! Thank you for checking up on me :)

Glad to see you back... I am just the same. I have said I wouldn't come back on here but it's just nice to be able to have a general rant about life and see how others are coping too.

Monday 1st April 2013 contd...

Lovely sunny day but still very cold. Lots of people walking past with dogs and children..no doubt off to the park. There are two parks round here, one of them just opposite me and the other just round the corner, plus a large area of grassy mounds and a lake which are next to the University. Very beautiful area to go to but it's down a very steep bank..too much for me now.

Spent the day sorting my spice racks, containers and boxes in the kitchen. I find it very hard to throw away containers that look pretty and boxes that "just might come in handy!".. :confused:
I bought quite a few charms for a bracelet last year and all the pretty little boxes were stacked up on my bedroom table..so sweet and teensy!! I got my home help to throw them away for me 'cos I just couldn't do it..sounds so pathetic, doesn't it?! :rolleyes:

Well, today has been very good all told. Diet has gone very well and the pasta dish I made the other day tasted even better today.

Calories 1244 Carbs 154 Fat 43
Hi Emm

Back after our trip to Dunoon. Yipee to the 1lb I wasn't good while away, but back on the wagon now :) J's been building units in my walk in and I've been busy putting things in baskets so keeping out of mischief. I put some pictures of the Clyde on my thread (would re-do them here but it was so much trouble getting them on once that I cannot face trying to do it twice, so can you look at them there :))

Hi Emm

Back after our trip to Dunoon. Yipee to the 1lb I wasn't good while away, but back on the wagon now :) J's been building units in my walk in and I've been busy putting things in baskets so keeping out of mischief. I put some pictures of the Clyde on my thread (would re-do them here but it was so much trouble getting them on once that I cannot face trying to do it twice, so can you look at them there :))


Glad you had a good time away Nelli. Will look at pics on your thread.


Yesterday I had an absolutely disgraceful and utter binge!!. :eek: No getting away from it... I just went to pieces and am not even going to attempt to add up all the calories.. or acknowledge the outcome of it lbs-wise!
I seem to have this self destruct button which clicks in as soon as I have a victory.. :sigh:
Nuff said on that and I have the rest of the week to get back to it and even if I have an STS next Monday I shall be very happy.

Now..where's that band wagon?!!
Don't be too disheartened re: the binge. You have come straight back here so well done. I think my last binge lasted 8 months :). Hopefully you can pull it back enough in the next few days to get a sts or even a small loss. Even if you've gained you will take it straight back off next week. You always have really good advice for everyone else when they are down. Come up with something really inspirational and tell it to yourself.
Don't be too disheartened re: the binge. You have come straight back here so well done. I think my last binge lasted 8 months :). Hopefully you can pull it back enough in the next few days to get a sts or even a small loss. Even if you've gained you will take it straight back off next week. You always have really good advice for everyone else when they are down. Come up with something really inspirational and tell it to yourself.

Not really disheartend tbh.. am more frustrated with myself.. :rolleyes:

Today was my massage day which I thoroughly enjoy. Can't believe the difference it has made to my general feeling of wellbeing.
U3A meet on Friday so have booked a hairdo for tomorrow..and about time too!

Batteries in my kitchen scales have gone kaput and I keep forgetting to get spares. So I haven't been able to weigh my food today.
I also found out that I have been counting my grams wrong. Having seen on my chart that 100grams is 4ounces I presumed that 150grams would be 6ounces..not so! apparently it is just over 5ounces... I don't suppose that fraction of an ounce is likely to make much difference anyway.

So with the problem I have with that, sending parcels and trying to calculate what the postage is going to be is a real nightmare for me. I was always very good at maths till they brought in these grams and kilos.. :D

Been very good on my eating score.. Calories 1229 Carbs 120 Fat 44
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Hi Emm

Hope you are having a good day and having some sunshine down your way. I am carting linen up from the ground floor to my new linen cupboard (my old clothes cupboard) on the third floor and hoping that it counts as exercise. Actually, after the third trip I thought I was heading for a heart attack so might leave the rest until J gets back from the gym :) He could have done this instead but he's done loads around the house this week so didn't have the heart to suggest it. :)

Have a good Thursday night - Nelli X
Hi Emm

Hope you are having a good day and having some sunshine down your way. I am carting linen up from the ground floor to my new linen cupboard (my old clothes cupboard) on the third floor and hoping that it counts as exercise. Actually, after the third trip I thought I was heading for a heart attack so might leave the rest until J gets back from the gym :) He could have done this instead but he's done loads around the house this week so didn't have the heart to suggest it. :)

Have a good Thursday night - Nelli X

Sounds like jolly good exercise to me.. bet you've shifted at least a couple of pounds! Getting things sorted at last must be such a relief.

Thursday 4th April 2013

Have had an excellent day.. Hairdo was brill and she is such a nice lady. It does make such a difference in that she is and older lady (as opposed to some twenty yr old) as the talk is more adult (IYKWIM)
Then went to Tesco to get some batteries for my kitchen scales but they didn't have them... so over to B&Q..none there .. next door to Asda and hooray! success. Time was getting late so decided to have my yearly treat of McDs and had a big Mac with medium fries, apple pie and strawberry shake...yummy. that comes to something in the region of just over 2000 calories.
I shall certainly be back to my diet tomorrow without fail..yearly treat over and enjoyed!
I hope you enjoyed your McD! I haven't had one for years but I always used to like the filet of fish meal when I went in when the children were young. 2000 calories is not excessive for a treat day either. It's pretty much what the average woman needs. Though like me you are vertically challenged I guess. I think probably my recommended calories would be closer to 1800. As long as you enjoyed it and can go back to your plan with enthusiasm I think it was a great idea :)
I hope you enjoyed your McD! I haven't had one for years but I always used to like the filet of fish meal when I went in when the children were young. 2000 calories is not excessive for a treat day either. It's pretty much what the average woman needs. Though like me you are vertically challenged I guess. I think probably my recommended calories would be closer to 1800. As long as you enjoyed it and can go back to your plan with enthusiasm I think it was a great idea :)

Never tried the McD fish, somehow the thought doesn't go down well.. :confused: .. and love the idea of being vertically challenged.. :)
Enthusiasm at it's best today! Yay!

Glad you enjoyed your annual McD!

It does your body good when dieting to have a high cal day occasionally to boost your metabolism I believe! Calorie cycling?

Nice to have some excuse hey?!
Thanks for the post Zeke.

Just a little story about my inability to come to terms with kg and grams etc.
I put a radio/casette/recorder on Amazon but my scales that I have for weighing this type of thing is..as you may guess.. in kgs. Not being able to work it out properly I had charged £10 for the item and £4.80 for p&p. Amazon takes £2 fees and the postage came to £12.90 =
-10p! :sigh:
Could have just given it away on Freecycle and saved myself the bother.. :doh:
Hi Emm - just to let you know I got your PM but your inbox is full so I cannot reply. The answer was yes of course and thank you.

That's good Zeke thankyou.. :)

Friday 5th April 2013

U3A meet was very good. No set topic but as per..Jeanette made a whole laboured discourse on the ancient idea of colours which apparently were not part of writing many years ago.. in fact the quote was about 160yrs which I then thought was about the same time women have been wearing knickers!..

:giggle: .. (had to try hard not to giggle) It was interesting but she's another one who doesn't know when to stop. Then I followed as mine was about birds nests and how they very often introduce colour to attract their mate, plus pictures of some of the magnificent structures too. Brian read a short story which was very funny, Anne presented a short quote from a paper which had no author and we discussed who it could be attributed to but without any decisive ending, Geoff read a variety of short poems and Mark read another funny poem. All finished off with a cuppa and biscuit and lots more chat.
Home about 5pm where I promptly fell asleep for a couple of hours... what am I like!!

Diet went very well. Calories 1236 Carbs 135 Fat 51

Saturday 6th April 2013

C&W music this morning very good.. hate to miss my weekly fix.

Phone call from my son today who sounded very much better. Unfortunately with his state of mind he does tend to live in another universe almost... is now contemplating touring America with his newly found interest in creating music.. but first has to overcome his agraphobia which has kept him housebound for the last many many years. Love to hear from him but it is like treading on eggshells all the time.

Re-organised all my files and put proper labels on them.
Washing all up to date.
Put more things on Amazon for sale.

Heated up a lamb chop which was cooked the other day plus some swede & carrot mash and added some peas. Didn't really taste very good as it had got too dry.

Todays diet went well. Calories 1200 Carbs 157 Fat 32
like treading on eggshells all the time

Is that a son thing I wonder? I can say anything to my daughter - no problem, but my son has to be handled very carefully. Also touring (Australia not America) strange beings men/children :). Love him though and I know he loves me so worth it.
Is that a son thing I wonder? I can say anything to my daughter - no problem, but my son has to be handled very carefully. Also touring (Australia not America) strange beings men/children :). Love him though and I know he loves me so worth it.

Unfortunately with my son he is quite mentally ill suffering from clinical depression and has been hospitalised on a couple of occasions. So I do agree that sons can be rather touchy but this does add another dimension to it. Thankfully he does have a very kind and caring wife who looks after him extremely well.
I hadn't realised that your son suffered from depression, it must be very difficult for him. I know depression can be very debilitating, I have a close friend who suffers from it. She seems to be managing it ok at the moment with her medication controlling it quite well, but I know it is hard for her to undertake some activities that some people would just take for granted. It must be a great comfort to you knowing that his wife is there for him.