Hippety Hop!
Mum was given a handy gadget by social services to get into the dosettes.
Hard to explain but it was about 2" circular and 1" deep - bit like a big egg-cup - with a spike thing in the middle.
You hold it undder the doesette, run the spiker round the backing and out pop the pills into the cup.
Took mum a few attempts to get used to it but once she did it saved her dropping tablets onto the floor (which she did a lot) and having to grovel for them. Or leave them and not take them if she was having a bad day.
That's interesting Bev.. did a Google on pill dispensers and I see there's lots of different types so I think I shall be getting one of those .. and they are only a few pence as well.
Sunday 13th April 2014
Not too bad a day. Was able to tidy up both the bedroom and the kitchen with just one sit down in the middle. I'm often surprised at what I come across on these occasions as so often I buy things with the best of intentions and they end up behind a lot of "stored" stuff (hoarded stuff really!..
Had a bottle of cleaning fluid which wouldn't come out when sprayed so I sawed off the top ... the saw being the item that I "found". Then rearranged my wardrobe and was gobsmacked at the amount of coats I have..
Grocery delivery is due on Tuesday and my fridge is looking extremely bare at the mo'. Amazing how at these times there's always something to be concocted.
Had some good news re my visit to Edinburgh for the Tattoo in August. I went on a Scotland forum and asked if someone could help me by bringing a mobility scooter or wheelchair for going up the hill before the event and wait in the queue as well until the time to actually go into the stadium and I have had a very promising reply by someone who apparently helps lots of people in this fashion.. Yay!!
Sent an email to my D re visit in May and just had a reply to say that suits her fine.. looking forward to having a few days over there and in a nice (fairly posh .. ahem!) hotel.
I shall ring the airport tomorrow rather than booking online as I am thinking about buying a rollator to take with me.

Today I had:
Breakfast - Oats 40g + Honey 1/2 Tblspn
Lunch - Ham & Tomato Sandwich + Salad Cream 10g
Snack - Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Bacon 60g + Egg poached 1
Supper - Peach slices 140g + Custard 1/4pt
Extra - Milk 240ml
Cals 1450 Carbs 131 Fat 56 Protein 71 Sugars 43 Fibre 9
with 119 extra calories for "exercise" done
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