Hippety Hop!
Evening chica - scales are obviously being kinder to you than they are to me.
Mind you - I can't cope with your lbs number - I have to translate it st/lbs.
I can "think" in st/lbs or kilos - not straight lbs though.
Glad that aches & pains are sort of in control - butOH: to getting the appointment wrong.
I must admit that just pounds are not my first choice and I keep a printed page of weight conversions on my desk to refer to all the time.
Aches and pains are part of life for me now Bev as I expect they are for you with your bad back as well.... just have to grin and bare it don't we?!
Morning Emm - just dropped in to say hello and check how you are doing.
I am still busy busy at work and we are also trying to get the last bits of the house finally finished as it would be so nice if just for once it would ALL be done at the same time. Have to admit that I am also spending more time sitting in the garden than I really have time for, but we don't often get much of a chance so what the heck.
Hope all is well.
Afternoon Carol, .. as I always say..I'm bearing up under the strain!.
Thanks for asking anyway..