Thanks ladies for all the positive comments. I am UP another pound today, despite my restraint yesterday. So that is 6lb gained, then another 1lb gained, total 7lb gained in 4 days. And I am supposed NOT to panic. Ok. I will try my best! Oh I forgot to tell you about my GP! What do you reckon on this, gals? I've been at that surgery over 20 years and he's been head of the surgery all that time. He is about 20 stones. Sitting on his chair his stomach lays on his thighs. Never been any different all the time I have known him. Now, the interesting things are: 1. He has been a GP for about 40 years and has a string of letters after his name 2. He has six permanent doctors under him, supplemented by an ever-changing host of locums and interns 3. He employs half a dozen qualified practice nurses 4. He has at his disposal every consultant, dietician, nutritionist and health trainer that Sussex has to offer. 5. He doubtless has BUPA and a private doctor of his own, and access to all of BUPA's dieticians, nutritionists, etc What is interesting is that despite having access to all the above, he is unable to reduce his own weight. But the bonus to me is that he cannot nag me about MY weight. In fact, he is sympathetic. A few years ago when I asked him for weight loss advice he poked himself in the gut and said "I'm hardly the best person to ask!" He then said that as far as he was concerned, dieting on the whole did not work, and the only diet that worked was the cabbage soup diet, and he could not stick to it. As I left he said that if I ever found anything that worked would I let him know! Yesterday, as he struggled to get the cuff around my arm to take my blood pressure, I apologised for my flabby arms, and he smiled sweetly and replied "We cannot help how we are made!" Blimey, what a different attitude from what we USUALLY hear from all those skinny dieticians, nurses, etc!