THANK YOU ladies for your messages of support.
Weighed in yesterday at 336 and today at 339, but I am wearing slightly warmer clothes and a necklace. Should I take them all off?
I feel as though I "lost my way" a bit, due to a host of small reasons, not one big reason. It was a combination, I think, of feeling ill and wanting to comfort myself, of my friend staying (which made me happy) and then leaving (which left me feeling a bit lonely, because of the contrast) and having a total PC breakdown, causing me to have to research, choose, buy, set up and fight with the new PC. I have had it five days now and I am STILL trying to get it set up (my programs won't load!) I find this incredibly stressful!
Also some things that are going to sound really very silly, like ordering 10 Slimfast Caramels three times from Tesco and Asda over a three week period, and having them subbed every time, and told they had "sold out". (Yes I warned you it was a STUPID reason but it contributed in its tiny weeny way to a feeling of frustration. I'd got used to treating myself with a SF caramel and when I could not have one I went out and bought 600 calories worth of Galaxy. Yes I know it's stupid and illogical but that's human psychology for you. We are all so very complex. The trick is to find out as much as you can about what your individual psychology is, and use it to go with the flow.
Anyway, I just ordered a box of 24 from Amazon for £7.68 so UP YOURS Asda and Tesco.
Another way I am getting back on track is to get back into soup making. I got lazy and stopped, in favour of (home made) fast food. I think that soup is the key to slimming. And, actually, you get far more bang for your buck, calorie wise, by drinking a mug of soup than having a cup of tea.
So I have just placed a Tesco order for LOADS AND LOADS of veggies and other things I need to make VATS of veggie soup, which I will liquidize. Some I will freeze in those little Chinese takeaway boxes, turning it into a microwaveable "ready meal". I'll keep two or three pints on the hob to drink at will over a couple of days. I'm also baking some chicken breasts in yoghurt, which I will place in a Tupperware box and have a few slices "on the side" of my mug of veggie soup, to give myself some low calorie protein. Other times I can toast a bit of Warburton's for 58 calories, dice it and float it as croutons!
I believe I can devise a perfect diet for the morbidly obese. But of course the problem isn't knowing WHAT to eat, but sticking with it!
In bed today I was reading the "comments" beneath a news story about Christina Briggs, a woman of 25stone who says she cannot afford to lose weight unless the Govt raises her benefits.
It's not easy being overweight and on benefits, says 25 stone mother-of-two who wants MORE money from the government to help her diet | Daily Mail Online
Usually I side WITH the obese person AGAINST the haters and fattists, but what she is saying is total nonsense. For example you can buy a KILO of mixed, diced frozen veggies in Tesco for £1.80. Boiled up with (free) tapwater and a pinch of salt that makes about ten portions of soup @ 18p a portion! If she just wants to stay fat, then that is her choice and I would support her right to do so, but to pretend that low calorie food is expensive is claptrap!
Also she says she cannot take any exercise, since a gym costs £22 a month. More claptrap. You don't need to take any exercise to lose weight. It's better to go for a walk, in any case, out in the fresh air.
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I was interested to see that she can afford to have her hair dyed, tattoos, piercings, but not healthy food. Also, why has she got multiple bottles of Lyle's Golden Syrup (as well as all that sugary junk) in her larder? I am not surprised her child has ADHD, being fed a diet of refined sugars the whole time! Get that kid off sugar and she'll be right as rain!