Hi, found your diary and I only starting reading it but I want to tell you about myself. I started at 160 kg thats 25 st 3 lbs. Have done all kind of diets under the sun but when you have so much to lose its not easy. Last year I manage to lose a stone before my wedding. This year we moved to UK and I joined SW. Since then I have lost almost 6 st in there and I cant tell enough how easy it is to someone like me.
I know how it can be - when you give up and eat and then feel sad about giving up. But - we cam do it. So can you

what ever you do you have good reason to do it. Look at first post you made - its full of willpower

As I havent read all your diary yet I dont know how you doing but I hope you well and keep going to your goal and you have smile on your face

Hi Destamia and thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a message.
I'm SOOO envious of you! It is my greatest dream on this earth to get down to 18 stone-something like you. Gosh nearly 6st lost, you must feel sooo amazing ~ not just physically but the sense of achievement, that you took your problem into you own hands and you did something about it. So many people, when they get to over 20 stone just cannot see a way out. It seems an impossible task. So well done you for changing your life for the better.
I shall add you to my list of People Who Have Inspired Me.
My box of 24 Slimfast Caramels arrived just now (ordered on Amazon only yesterday ~ how amazing is that?) and this is PART of my getting back on track. It's funny how sometimes these little things can make us feel "safe". I know that I get SO much chocolately, caramelly satisfaction from these bars that once I have had one I won't need to go looking for Galaxy 112g bars! And IF now and again I have TWO, it's not the end of the world as that is only 180 calories, 1/10th of my daily allowance.
Yesterday I lapsed a little and had a large cod and chips, but it only put me 200 calories over my allowance, and still 600 calories under my sedentary TDEE. But, actually, I did some floor painting and furniture moving, so I "earned" those 200 actually. I bought two cods (and only one chips) and had the second cod for breakfast. Although I am logging 600 calories for the cod, that isn't so bad because it's all I have eaten today and it's already 4.20pm. It has staved off my hunger for 7 hours now, so I think that is good for an expenditure of 600. It's only the same as having a 300c brekkie and a 300c lunch, after all!
So I still have 1200 to "spend" today, and will have a Knorr chicken and leek soup, supplemented with 2oz sweetcorn, 4oz chicken breast, a slice of 58c bread and a mug of tea.