Gold Member
Shazzabir said:Oh dear that sounds sore! Hope you feel better soon x
Shazzabir said:Oh dear that sounds sore! Hope you feel better soon x
Kieragh1515 said:Thanksstill v sore :-( but did level 1 instead tonite as lower tummy muscles not worked as hard. Determined not to miss a day!! X
Shazzabir said:I'm really impressed with your determination.
I must admit I was doing it everyday and then missed a day and then missed another day and then another. Wish I hadn't. I have done day 12 ( 2 days on L2) and struggling to motivate myself into doing day 13! Really need to get back into it.
Sazbirl said:Well I've started the shred, done day 2 today it's really good, but mega hard and I'm in pain!!!hope pain goes soon, I got my 2 yr old boy out of bath earlier and my arms killed I nearly had to go for a lay downI'm dreading tomorrow!!!.xx
Do u have to be an online member to look that up?
calorie crusader said:I've just finished day 13 on level 2, not missed a day yet, feel like I've come this far not giving up now!! This is my third day for level 2 and felt slightly easier, it has literally killed me last two days! Stick with it everyone!!!![]()
~Crooked Smile~ said:well that's me done my first day, though I don't intend to do it every day, only on the days I can't get to the gym/don't have such a long workout at the gym. was a wee bit disappointed, is it just me or do you have to sit through quite a lot of chat at the begining that you can't fast forward?
anyway will try level 2 next time maybe I will feel I've had more of a workout!!
I fast forward it til warm up starts. U must already be fairly fit, try L2 or 3 if 1 didn't do it for u.
~Crooked Smile~ said:I tried to fast forward but it kept saying it wasn't allowed![]()
Sazbirl said:I think I'm going mad I've got up at 7am ( put my alarm on!!) to do day 4 of the shred cause Friday is play group day with my little boy then cleaning day, so I know I won't fit it in till late then would prob not do it, look at me,who is this crazy woman!!!.x
RhiBro said:OMG!! me too, sorta!! I had my hair done after work, and knew I wouldn't wanna get all sweaty afterwards! So was up at 6:30 this morning doing it!!