3rd (and hopefully last) diary

Really good! Could eat them every night!

Weigh day today!!
I've planned another (repetitive) day.

B. Egg and bacon. Apple.
L. Ryvita (hexb), ham, tomatoes, mini carrots, tangerine.
D. After weigh in - carbonara :)

E. Run

I'll report on weigh in later!
Another 1lb gone! That's 5lb altogether! :) hoping for 2 next week for my half st award!

Today, having some syns tonight!
B - eggs and mushrooms
L - leftover SW carbonara (hexa), tangerine, tomatoes
D - fish (15 syns), homemade chips and mushy pea
Red wine (15 syns) , Ice cream (13.5)
E - climbing

Total 43.5/70 syns
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Last night was so good :) Def prefer using most of my syns in one night, espec as weigh in isn't until Thurs.

I've gone some meal planning today for the weekend.
Today is as follows,

B/L - Egg, bacon, mushrooms, beans
D - SW quiche and chips
S - Rocky road hifi's. Quark and options (3 syns). Strawberries.

Syns - 60/70 - So 6 syns per day until weigh in (no syns on weigh day)

EDIT: I've been in a very picky mood today, exercise hasn't happened! I've just eaten the rest of my ice cream and a banana... Oh dear. 10 syns left until Thursday.
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I'm VERY pleased with myself :) Just back from run and gym! After eating my magnum and thinking there was no chance I was going out in the rain... I did! And got soaked ;)

Planning for tomorrow!
B - Leftover quiche (hexa) and beans
L/D - Roast beef, potatoes, carrots, corn, gravy (2 syns)
S - Fruit, mugshot, hifi (hexb)

E - Run and weights or climb depending on the boyf
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Sneaky jump on scales... Happy :)

I want a good one this week, as it is my bday next weekend, and although I'll be somewhat sticking to plan, I won't be perfect!
Cooking my beef at the mo!

Planning for tomorrow,
B - roll (hexb) with bacon and egg
L - Pasta n sauce with fruit
D - Salmon with courgette fritters and potatoe
S - Quark with highlight (2 syns), fruit

E - Rest :)

Syns total - 64/70
Good day :) Although 1 extra highlights and hifi (5syn).
B - fried egg and courgette fritters
L - SW coronation chicken (0.5) on JP, strawberries and hifi (hexb)
D - vegetable stirfry with noodles
S - Tea (hexa), quark and highlight (2 syn)

E - Pole and gym

Syns - 71.5
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Very impressed with the coronation chicken!! I've made enough to have some tomorrow for lunch.

B - egg, mushroom and beans
L - coronation chicken on jp with veg
D - SW carbonara (hexa)
S - hifi (hexa), yoghurt, Strawbs and banana

E - running (if I leave work on time!)

I've gone very slightly over my 70 weekly syns, so best behaviour until WI.
Managed to get my run in! And stuck to my day :)
Weigh in tomorrow!

B. Fruit
L. Mugshot, fruit and hifi's (hexb)
D. Undecided, baked potatoe with tuna and veg maybe?
S. Lots of tea (hexa)

E. Running
2lbs off - 7lbs in total!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Off to LDN for birthday weekend, so that'll be my syns used up there... Just hoping for STS next week. I obviously wont be posting now until Monday, but I've packed my rocky road hifi's and fruit!
I'm back!!

And it's going to be a gain... A big gain.

The weekend was great and due to bad planning I haven't been great today. But, from tomorrow, back on it! Damage control!

B. mushroom and chicken omelette with hexa cheese
L. Pasta and fruit salad
D. Beans on hexb toast

E. Running and gym
Today went well :) slight alterations, more superfree all round!
Planning for tomorrow,
B. mushroom and red pepper omelette (hexa)
L. Pasta, yog and fruit
D. Chicken, veg and boiled rice

I'm out in the evening, so no exercise.
So after my wild weekend I only gained 1lb!! I'm very happy!
So I'm on it this week, I want 2!

B. 2 apples
L. Pasta n sauce (.5syns) and fruit cocktail. 4 sugar free mints (2syns)
D. Steak, SW roasties and salad
S. tea (hexa), scan bran cake (hexb&2syns), choc (5syns)

Syns - 9.5
Going to a gig today, but think I'll be off the booze! Day 2 of scanbran challenge,
B/L - Scan bran breakfast loaf
D - Something out and I'll choose sensibly as I'll be off the drink :)

E - None, need to get back on this!!
Well, I ended up drinking a lot, and eating nothing, whoops. That's all my syns gone! I have a few quiet w/e's coming up so I'll be able to calm it a bit!

B - bacon, beans, potatoe, tomato, scrambled egg
L - Scanbran cake (4syns &hexb)
D - Roast beef, SW roasties and carrots, gravy (2 syns)
S - tea (hexa) and strawbs
Quick jump on the scales this morn, looking good!
B - bacon and egg
L - pasta n sauce, Strawbs, satsuma
D - scan bran pizza (hexa&hexb)
I've had 2 days away at conference, bit boozy, but food choices were good. Scales look good at the moment! Hope it lasts until tomorrow, weigh day!!
I'll be keeping it simple, fruit etc. and back planning properly from tomorrow.
Lost 2.5lb at weigh in yesterday :) wooooo!
Tonight is my usual syn night,
B - bacon and scrambled egg
L - scan bran pizza (hexa and b)
D - curry and wine (40 syns)

E - running