This is for me to read back on when I'm having a bad day food wise. This week is just getting worse, my poorly dog Bertie had to have an emergency operation yesterday after two weeks of going to the vets with him every day, today we got up and he's much worse so straight back to the vets. I've taken a couple of days off work to try get him sorted and just don't seem to be getting anywhere apart from approx £500 lighter (he is insured but you have to pay the vet then claim it back) . Back at the vets in the morning, they mentioned referal to a specialist so think I'm going ask for that. Anyway the reason I want to write this in my diary is I'm an emotional eater and normally to cope with something like this I would turn to food but not this time. If I can cope with this and stay on track diet wise then I can do this. I can do this!!! Omg I can actually do this!!! Xxx