still my waight hasnt shifted atall, I dont whats going wrongI have lost 3 lb since monday but for the last 3 days it hasnt gone anywhere, im actually really worried somethings not right, been tearfull and down all day, loosing the will power, I cant see myself being slim, I know my CDC said im on it for 6 months but I dont know why nothing is happening...i did cheat though by going on 3 products a day when my bmi is 41 and should be on 4 a day or 3 and a small meal, so last night she said its because your body is in starving mode and need more so I am now having a small dinner, like a side dish portian of just protein and less then a palmfull of green veg, but still no change, o dod only start doing that last night
girls i feel no thinner yet!! but we will,,its coming off every part of our bodies so you wont notice just yet.. stop jumping on your scales,, ive been doing that but not going to this week... if you are 100% it will work.. chin up and stay strong xx(ive got a weekend in again ,, keep turning nights out to stay in and drink water arghhhhhhh,, thats sooo hard for me ) x
lots of ppl on here to help you stay strong.. im single but two girls how eat n eat and lots of stuff i want!!.. my first week i lost 9lb keep it upIt is day 3 for me......stomach rumbles are going down.....just had a shake. Its soooo hard to stick to when you live with your boyfriend that can eat anything and stay a skinny minnie!
Looking for some friends to help me along this longggg journey : )
lol kanga .. mine are saggy too but im not gonna buy any till two sizes down.. im determined to do itx
i suppose we just need to keep going BUT OMG!! i had a weak moment last night, i orederd a pizza and chicken wings, i couldnt wait to eat again especially my fave! was so looking foward to it, i knew it would mess with my waight loss, but i just had to eat, so the piza got here and brought it into the living room amd put it on the sofa, i looked at it and started to feel guilt, but the guilt wasnt strong enough though, i knew i hadnt lost atall in the few days, but i just got up really fast held my breath got a drink and pourd it all over the pixxa and chicken wings...screwd it all up put it in two bags and ran outside and put it in the bin.....i got back in and sat down i had a suddern rush of controll and will power....i cant believe i did that! the hardest things iv ever done!