Looking for Slimville!
Hello! Your food diaries are making me miss being able to cook my own meals so badly
. Glad to see you checking off those goals hehe.
dry fry the chicken and bacon til crisp - use fry light, works a treat, and drain off excess liquid from the chicken and bacon to get a really crisp finish. toss over some lettuce and mixed leaves and add your dressing. you could finish off with baby plum tomatoes, diced avocado, baby mozzarella balls, chopped bell pepper...
brekkie: toast and marmalade
lunch: toast and pate, toast and marmalade
dinner: hairy biker bolognese with cabbage, lighter choices garlic bread slices, and i improvised a coleslaw as i cut far too much cabbage to go with the bolognese!
extras: coffee
sorry donna, forgot to answer!
the HB bolognese is ok, mine is betterworks out to the same calories, give or take.
brekkie: 2 ham and pickle ryvita, 2 toast and marmalade
lunch: a sneaky slice of starbucks chocolate and nut loaf (330 cals of nomminess)
dinner: pasta bake with salad, had seconds of the pasta bake
snacks/etc: 2 tall skinny caramel macciato from starbucks, my usual coffees.