I'm looking forward to trying that next week, got to be more interesting than walking up and down the hallway-i'm sure the neighbours opposite actually think I'm insane lol
Well today's food diary is mostly the same but for lunch I am having broccoli and cauliflower soup-yum ha (just got two left in the freezer which will cover tomorrow then I am never making it again

I tried on my next size down jeans and yes they may be a lil tight but they did up and I probably wouldn't attempt to sit down-yet, but I could walk around in them which has given me a huge boost! In a couple weeks I should be able to get into them then it will be time to have a clothes clear out! I am super nervous, decent clothes will go to the charity shop but anything else will be binned-ive never got rid of my 'big' clothes before so it would be official that there's no going back (without an impact on the wallet of course!) and I think that terrifies me but I'm super excited as I'll be starting a new chapter-one of which I hope will include another clothes clear out in a few months time. I am only keeping one pair of trousers at my biggest-a reminder of where I've come from and where I hope never to return!
Looking forward to Wednesday-going to be realistic and aim for 8lb-would be great to get more but not going to be disappointed if not!
Tomorrow's food diary will be the same except I'll be having broccoli and cauliflower soup for lunch and tea-cant wait!
Wednesday will be a bit more interesting:
Med wholemeal roll (heb)
2 x bacon medallions
Fruit salad-apple, orange, blueberries, kiwi fruit
Jacket potato
Cheese (hea)
I'm only going to be popping on briefly here and there over the next couple days so next update I'll do will be the dreaded wi-fingers crossed
