Total Solution 80lb rollercoaster ready to go ......

Oooh hope you had a fab day. The good thing about all those places is the food is inevitably overpriced junk.....straight to your thighs! Hope your head gets better soon xx
Oh wow Ur lucky son Is it better than d Legoland outside Windsor? Brought our 2 over a few yrs ago They luved it but it rained 4 d three days ;(

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shoebedoo said:
Oh wow Ur lucky son Is it better than d Legoland outside Windsor? Brought our 2 over a few yrs ago They luved it but it rained 4 d three days ;(

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No much much smaller !! A lot of money for not a great deal but he enjoyed it ...... Always rains in summer here - we went to a caravan last year on the cast and it was rubbish weather all week !
Good afternoon Dawny, hope your head's better today :hug99: xx
Having a good exante day - though have rumblely tum !!!

Just doing tea for ds and dh - smells fantastic but I will be good ! Am off out o support my friend later who is going through a horrific divorce ATM but I don't drink so will just have soda water or coffee ... Had 3 litres up to now and expect another few glasses whilst out s will be peeing all night ...

Can't decide porridge or shake or tea - I seem to have a glut of porridge so think I will have that / I don't bother "cooking" it - I make it up with hot water mix and eat (but I like porridge oats cold so might not be to everyone's taste ;-) )

Need to put some new batteries in bathroom scales - I jumped on 3 times this morning and my weight fluctuated by 3 lbs - I liked the last one best :)
Lol at the scales :D

Ahhh hope you can take your friends mind off the divorce for this evening and have some fun.

I so don't miss the porridge, though I think I'd got quite fond of it loaded with cinnamon and made with much less water!
Porridge...:yuk: Couldn't get on with it even though I looooove readybrek (made with cold milk only) I'm sticking to shakes :) Doing well dawnybabes xx
Ooh I love porridge, I used to make "normal" porridge with just hot water! Goes all gloopy & stodgy, love it! Didn't know there was a legoland in Manchester - mind you I bet it's a similar price to Windsor, so we'd still need a mortgage to go there lol!! Have a good day Dawny!
Snap I'm a tee- totaller 2!!!
H8 d way people treat me like ders smthg wrong with me coz I don't drink!! Do u find dat??
Ya cudnt get me off d dance floors in d discos 13 yrs ago I'd dance d nite away!!! My OH doesn't drink either which is COOL!!!!

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Just noticed you've lost over 2st now.... that must feel great:D Enjoy your BBQ tomorrow, hope it's not raining for you.. it's blerdy peeing down here again! xx
Good afternoon Dawny (from another non drinker!) Congrats on the 1.75lb loss, onwards and downwards :woohoo::hug99: xx
Well done on your loss dawny. You have done so well in 8 weeks. x
Thank you all.

Tried to be good yesterday but there wasn't an awful lot I could eat so I ended up eating the middle of a pork pie, bit of salad, some corned beef, pack pork scratchings (yummy) some celery and some coleslaw .... Not too bad on carbs - horrific on calories though and I've put 2 lbs on overnight !!

Back on the wagon today though - had 1 litre coffee, 250ml water and 1 shake up to now ....

I wore a tight ish jumper yesterday (after all it is summer ;-) ) and my sister noticed straight away I'd lost weight !

Off to tackle the ironing mountain in a min !
Glad to hear you are back on the wagon, (I had a bad day yesterday also:() but it's done and we can only go forward! that 2lb will disappear quickly here hoping you have a big loss next week xxx