Total Solution 80lb rollercoaster ready to go ......

Thank you all.

Tried to be good yesterday but there wasn't an awful lot I could eat so I ended up eating the middle of a pork pie, bit of salad, some corned beef, pack pork scratchings (yummy) some celery and some coleslaw .... Not too bad on carbs - horrific on calories though and I've put 2 lbs on overnight !!

Back on the wagon today though - had 1 litre coffee, 250ml water and 1 shake up to now ....

I wore a tight ish jumper yesterday (after all it is summer ;-) ) and my sister noticed straight away I'd lost weight !

Off to tackle the ironing mountain in a min !

It is nice when someone notices your weigh loss.

Hope your day back on the wagon is going well.

It is hard doing this diet sometimes when life around you carries on. Sounds like you made some good food choices though xxx
Good morning Dawny, sounds like you made the best choices you could.

How fab to have your weight loss noticed, bet that put a spring in your step! :hug99: xx
Just had 30 mins on trampoline with my son, god I'm knackered (and need to put my jeans in wash ;-) )

Trampolines are great exercise and great fun too but very exhausting!!

Glad to hear you have got some of the gain off xx
It will all be off sooner than you know it dawny. This diet is great for that. x
Had a good weigh in this morning - lost 4.75 lbs in last 2 weeks (more really as gained last week due to nights out)

Just 1/4lb now to 2.5 stone .......

Contemplating what to do next - have about 2-3 weeks of stuff left but go on holiday in 2 weeks to a caravan with DS and my mum so will have to be doing something different, was thinking about Atkins but like the look of JUDDD ... I could do JUDDD throughout the holidays "invisibily" then have a month when kids back for the final push for big family holiday
Well done on the loss:D What's JUDDD? I'm definitely doing low-carb after this but not sure whether Atkins is for me............ decisions, decisions:confused: Hope you're having a gooooood day xx
Good morning Dawny. I'm not going to diet at all during my hols, but hopefully the weather will allow for a lot of walks.

Once I hit goal I'm thinking of low carbing though. :D

Congrats on the :woohoo: 4.75 lbs weight loss:hug99: xx
JUDDD has a forum on the "other diets" bit ...

Basically you had Up Days and Down Days (supposed to be alternate but some people do 3 down days in week and have weekend as Up days) - on a down day you have <500 calories (in whatever food you like - shakes, food etc) and then on the Up days you have about 2000/2500 calories (free calculator on his site) again in whatever form you like (so steak and chips/choc eclair etc) The swing of calories makes u loose weight (explains it on his site)

The down days are hard as not in ketosis so could be hungry but you would only ever 24 hrs from a refeed ...