A bit late to the game

My brother asked me to babysit my step neice tomorrow as there isn't anyone else. So of course I couldn't say no.

However I don't really like children/enjoy being around them and therefore have no experience with dealing with them by myself.

What do you do with a 5 year old? They have a wii with the sports thingie and I know she likes that. I wonder if she'll want entertained or will she go off and play by herself

Not looking forward too it
You'll be fine, honest. If she loves the Wii then get going the 2 of you, it'll be good for you! Although you'll have to let her win...although there may be no "let" about it, she may just thrash you anyway. Will you have to put her to bed or anything? If so then books and reading lots of stories are great as a wind down. Maybe bring her a book or something as a wee gift and then read it together? Or just bring her something pink and sparkly which is what she'll really want. OR bring rice crispies and chocolate and make buns for Mum and Dad! Then what do I know, I only have boys they are much more straightforward. Good luck anyway!

KB x
I think you'll be fine PK, especially if she's going to be in her own home, which I'm guessing will be the case?
Kids are usually quite good at telling you what they want to do, rather than the other way round, but if you've got a couple of things in mind anyway, then you should be fine. Is there a park nearby that you could take her to? Somewhere with swings and slides so she can wear herself out?!
I also like KB's idea of making chocolate buns....mmmmm!

By the way, I just wanted to say a big CONGRATULATIONS on acheiving your 5 stone milestone! That really is a great acheivement, well done!
Thank you girlies. Was only there till 3 because she goes off to the darkside (aka her biological dad - well his parents anyway) on a Monday

Didn't go too bad, played on the wii a bit. Managed to bork the tv though for most of the day so we couldn't watch it.

and only one minor strop because neither of her friends were home.

No choccies for little Aimee though. My brother is quite strict about that (and the darkside ruins her and the other 2 rotten). So ham and cheese toastie for lunch followed by a kiwi and I let her have a little box of raisins.

I'll never volunteer to look after kids though :p or have any!
Everyone says that but I never feel broody so unless it happens accidentially it's not going to happen.
Wait till that clock starts ticking.... I never liked children, still don't, I just don't get them, still don't. Except my own who are complete angels and perfect in every way. Not that I'm biased or anything...

KB x
Well I thought my clock was ticking quite loudly until last week when I went to see the nurse (re my viral infection). She said "is there any chance you could be pregnant? Early pregnancy can cause you to feel quite under the weather...."
I didn't think I could be, but I still completely freaked out for a day or two, and then went and bought a pregnancy test (negative!)!!! :eek::eek::eek: I guess that clock isn't ticking as loudly as I thought it was! :)

However, my oldest friend and mother to my god-daughter, gave birth to her second daughter on Sunday, so I expect when I meet her I might feel differently again :)
Not a bad week over all. Although I did go a bit mental with Ben & Jerrys frozen yoghurt last night (after some glasses of wine)

Lost 1lb (which I'm pretty happy with) and I definitely seem to have left 16st behind (not dipping into it when I weigh in before bed).

My mum has suggested that she might want to start walking part of my walk with me. Which I'm not really thrilled about - I sorta switch over to auto pilot when I go walking -ipod on, programmed route and I just daydream. My mum inevitably wants to talk or starts with "Why don't we go this way....." NO! Especially since I normally go walking straight after my evening meal and she's at home all day at the minute. Blah. She might forget about it.

Talking about walking...and this is from 1st May I've covered 24km (aiming for 46km for the month) so I'm actually over half way.

YAY! :)
Well done on the pound and on the walking (I have hardly moved) Not sure what you should do about your Mum but I know exactly what you mean. How to put her off the idea without hurting her feelings? I'll have a think...

KB x
I'm hoping that because I normally go out directly after dinner she'll not be bothered cause she likes watching eggheads etc
hello hello! Still here :) So far mum hasn't joined me, it's too cold, or she was out earlier or etc etc

Not a bad week. Just missed walking on Thursday cause it was raining and food hasn't been too bad

I am, however, expecting a STS tomorrow.
STS as I expected. Ah well at least I haven't put any weight on.

I also managed 19km this week which means in total I've walked 43.7km leaving just another 3 to go to get my marathon! :) yay!
well done...
(sorry ive been kinda missing on the site for a while)

im sure you will do those last km's very quickly!
So another week gone

1lb down. I had hoped it would be a bit more because I was at 15.8 on Friday morning. However I was very bad on Friday (lots of the forbidden food). I also skipped taking the pill 3 times this week because I didn't want to have to deal with side effects when at work.

Exercise wise - made my marathon and over (yay! :D) but I think I've been very slow this week. Although I think that's because it's been quite warm.

I know I said I was looking forward to the nice weather but god I don't do heat very well.
Hi PK and well done on the pound, it all adds up. I don't do heat very well either, I wonder will this improve as we lose weight? I have barely walked the length of myself this month with one thing and another, need to get back to it this week. Good for you,

KB x