A bit late to the game

see i told ya!!! lol

well done!
Thankee kindly folks :).

Obviously the running is helping ;)
keep at it hun!!!

are you in with the challenge? (the one on kittys diary)
Can't wait to get under 200lbs! :D
A STS this week which is disappointing on 1 hand as I was down to 14.4 most of the week however

A) I missed 2 days walking
B) Have indulged more tha necessary in some forbidden foods

So it's probably not surprising.

Also going out for lunch today (for my dads birthday) but although I am having dessert, starter will be melon & main will be veggie.

My next doctors appointment is on 18th October (ie monday week) so going to try and be good next week!!
well well done on the sts, and it is better than gaining!!!
Always true!
how are you going.....
have you got anything nice planned for the weekend?
Hmm going to be very naughty tonight.

There's a parent teacher quiz at my step neices/nephew's school.

It's bring your own and my SiL brings lots of forbidden foods. So I've tried be really good today and I was off work so I did my extra walking.

Not much else planned though. Hope you're doing something more interesting! :p
Right okay so Doctors tomorrow for the 3rd check up since stopping the pills. So managed to get out for a walk every day (with little bits of jogging in) also as I was off on Friday (and knew I would be eating badly) did a little extra.

Friday wasn't as bad as it could've been to be fair :D

Unfortunately, and not wanting to go into TMI, despite eating a pot of activia every day it doesn't really speed up my digestive transit.

So it might be cheating but I'm taking yesterdays weight and my todays weight (because otherwise it's a STS which doesn't seem fair when I was yesterdays weight for most of the week).

Which means a 2lb loss!! :D Which also means I'm now below 200lb.

Yay! :bliss:
thanks KB will let you know how it goes
well done and well done for getting under 200!!!!
Hmpf well scales still reading 14st 5lb (b*gger :mad: )

However Dr was still happy with the 2kg loss though
oh pants... silly dr's scales... thats just the biggest paing.....

but at least the dr is happy :)