A bit late to the game

Thankfully still 14st 12lbs. Although I've had a bit of dickey tummy this week and I think that might be partly the cause :)

The parents are away for the next two week so I get to feed myself. In previous years I would've spent the whole time basically eating junk food but trying to be on best behaviour!! :)
WOW purple kathryn haven't you done well you really give me heart as I have a massive amount of weight to lose, like halve my weight :sigh: Over the past couple of years I managed to lose 3 stone but with an arthritic knee, waiting for an Op, I decided to ask the Doc for help and he put me on Xenical, it helped me lose 6 stone a number of years back so I have my fingers crossed and my willpower revved up to the top and your story has really helped.
I'm glad madchef :) good luck with your journey and good luck with your knee!!
14st 12lb i've actually lost 1/2 a lb which i'm a bit disappointed with to be honest, however, I've had not 1 but 2 cups of pix n mix from tescos this week (which actually made me feel ill) so I shouldn't be surprised. :rolleyes:

As I mentioned before the parents are away this fortnight so i've been feeding myself and (pix n mix aside) I've been pretty good.

I've been eating mostly veggie stuff (eg quorn or I made a veggie curry) not snacking that much and what I do have to snack on isn't bad (ie skinny cow ice cream, ww caramel squares).

I've also been out walking every day except thursday (although I walked to tescos & back which was all of 10 mins).

Had a bit of (a non diet related) panic on Friday. On Tuesday my cat got attacked by this other cat (who'd attacked him a couple of weeks ago and it'd taken me a few days to coax him outside again) and he lost a tuft of fur on his back. The other cat must've actually scratched or bitten him though because on Friday evening i noticed there was blood and it was weeping. So had to take him to the vets for an antibiotic shot and of course the waiting room was full of dogs and ones that wanted to bark and Casper is a nervous cat so I feel guilty for stressing him out :(.

He's fine now (although refuses to go out again)

Won't be telling my mum this till she gets back from holiday!
PK you've been awfully quiet this week. Well done on the half pound, it's still in the right direction.

Hope Casper recovers well, we had an incident when we were on holiday a couple of years ago when our cat ended up having his tail amputated so I can sympathise!

Would you go out again after all that? :D

KB x
Playing way too much world of warcraft KB and reading, lots of reading :eek:

I just don't like him being indoors all day, he gets really crabby but I also don't want to risk it with the other evil cat around :mad:
Well up and down week really only 1lb off so unless a miracle happens I won't be meeting my target tomorrow

Which is also when I go and see the doctor, my first offical 2 months without xenical and only 6lbs in 8 weeks. So I'll have to see what he says
well the doctor was really happy with it. So I think I'll keeping aiming for 6-7lbs every 8 weeks. :)

Also back to work this week so routine back to normal. Although i think TOTM is trying to sneak up early on me
1lb on. WHich isn't entirely a surprise although I was hoping to get away with a stay the same.

Missed 2 days walking and been a bit of a sweetie monster this week also TOTM. Blah.

So will try and knuckle down a bit better for next!
you too KB! :)
Well I lost the 1lb that i put back on but same story again I was 2lbs down the last couple of days.

Managed to get out walking every day this week (my legs are tired :p) and I've been pretty good food wise too.

Now unfortunately I'm going to be out for my lunch both today and tomorrow (today is somewhere particularily nice) - going to try to be good (well mainly tomorrow cause it will just be lunch in town) but ususally these things put me a step back.

I just feel "stuck" at the moment (although even my evening weighins are no longer dipping back into 15st so I suppose that's something)
PK you're doing so well it must be frustrating to do it all right and still be stuck. Enjoy your meal today and also tomorrow, good luck this week,

KB x
I stood on the scales last night and I was 1/4 of a lb less than what I'd weight that morning - despite being out for a 3 course meal!

I have no idea what that was about :confused:

and then I was a lb less this morning which means since last week I would've lost 3lbs (if only today had been Sunday! :rolleyes:)
1lb loss this week. I was hoping it might be more as I had dipped into the 14st 9lbs a couple of times last week but not to be.

Haven't been too bad food wise except for Sunday and Monday. Sunday was out for dinner with the family but although it was a 3 course meal my start was melon, my main course was roast sweet potato with other things and probably the most "bad" thing was the potatoes lyonnaise. I had a white chocolate mousse with a scoop of icecream to finish. Oh a few glasses of wine.

On monday I was out for lunch where i had a veggie lasagne which came with a few chips and I had a sorbet thing for dessert (the only reason I had it was because my sister in law was having apple crumble & custard :p).

Walking - I missed 2 days. :break_diet:

Decided to make a couple of changes- firstly going to extend my evening walk a bit. At the minute I walk down to the local park, through it to the other side up a steep hill then return journey. At weekends I do a lap round the park then up the hill down the other side (which isn't half as steep or long) then return.

So in the evening going to walk down the other side before starting the return. At the weekends I'll walk down to the end of the road on the other side of the hill.

So should add a few extra minutes to my walks.

I also normally have soup for my lunch Mon-Thurs. On Fridays I have a sandwich from the nice shop across the road (turkey or ham with salad on a wholemeal roll with butter). I had a salad one day last week (from a local store one spoonful of pasta, cucumber, toms, peppers, sweetcorn) as we were having stew for dinner. I think I might keep that up (having a salad once a week).

I've also decided to amend my end goal. I'd been thinking about it for ages. I think I'm being unrealistic about getting in the "normal" BMI range and to be honest I'd be more than happy just to be classed as overweight (as opposed to obese). So I've adjusted my goals accordingly. Now should I meet my goals I can then have a rethink about whether I can go further. But I think it's probably better to have something that you think you can realistically achieve! :D
YEs that all sounds like a good idea. no point doing something you don't think you can or feel pressured to achieve...

YOu are doing a fab job though. And don't forget that.

I hope all your changes work