A bit late to the game

When i flipped to this week in my diary I had put 11st 12lbs as my target weight for this week (way back when)

and I'm actually about 3 stone off that. Ahh well! :p
Not too sure what's going on at the minute my weight has been going down every day this week

Monday 14st 91/4 lb
Tuesday 83/4lb
Wednesday 81/2lb
Thursday 71/2lbs

I'll probably be scuppered on my "offical" weighing in day but it's a bit weird as I'm not really doing anything different. :confused:
yeah but I'll just be peed if I get on the scales and I'm a STS :p
I hate it when that happens....I've lost count of the amount of naughty scale hops that have been way more promising than the 'official' weigh in :(
I suppose that's why we shouldn't do it ;)
and after all that 1lb loss

SO yay! 1lb loss but i'm disappointed it wasn't 2 :(
1lb off is better than 1lb gained.... Well done. At least its still coming off for you...
true true!
By some magic fluke I've managed to lose 3lb this week :eek:

Not that I'm complaining about this fluke just that it may mean a gain next week :p (I always thought I was rather optimistic!)

and this is after missing 2 days walking as well (because of the rain so I can't feel too guilty and 1 of the days I went out, it started to rain and I got soaked)

This is also my first week using my heart rate monitor, which apart from the 1st day, I've managed to have problems with. (Seems to stop picking up my heart beat but I think it's because A) my weight and B) you need to wet part of the strap and it must dry up). So by my rough (and okay somewhat made up) calculations I've only burnt off 2261 calories (although it doesn't include my little runs up the stairs at work ;))

Oh well guess I'll have to wait and see what next week holds!
You never know :D
well done love thats fab!!!!!
you are really going for it now. which is fab!! keep positive though ok!
Knew it was too good to be true! Put a lb and a half back on :(. Didn't have a massively bad week either. Except for Thursday when I ate too much naughtly stuff and didn't get out for my walk.

Burned off about 2860 calories via walking. Although I've started running down the hill after I've walked up it (which cannot be a pretty sight :p).

Hopefully will drop back down next week
Thanks KB. :)
ahhh we cant have our ups with out our downs... it would just make things borning...
im sure you will be fine next week...

and im also sure that its just a fine sight to see you running... you have more guts than what i do!!!
Not feeling over optimistic I have to say Kes but I'll keep at it!
Amazingly 3lbs again. Although I think overall the week was pretty good, particularily the start. Didn't get out for a walk on Friday (as I didn't have time) and I've come down with a cold, which means I don't really feel like putting a lot of effort into my walking.

Also TOTM coming up but we'll see how it goes