So, after my binging on Saturday where I though I was back on plan...
I have been near enough 100% since Sunday now. Woop woop

Also not been around all that much, as have been on my phone.
But anyway, life hasn't really been all that interesting. Had my first long day back at work yesterday, was knackered by the time I got in. But when I got home I made a lovely slimming world chicken, bacon and leek hot pot - delish! Haven't made it in a long time. Though the mash potato was unhealthy , put about 3tbsp of butter in with the mash potato, but between four of us didn't think that would be too high??
On Sunday, I went swimming, was painful and hard work - took me 40mins to swim 30lengths which would take me about 23mins pre op! But hey ho, I'm easing myself back into gently. Then later on in the afternoon, after having a snooze, took the dogs for a walk, so go plenty of body magic!
All these riots in London are terrible, my brother is a police officer in the met and was meant to be coming home on Sunday, but ended up getting called in Sunday morning, didn't get home until 8am Monday. He said it is terrible up there, and he was just travelling all over London to where they were needed. Think he has been called back in today as well, as it is right by his borough now. I hope they can get it all sorted soon. Bloomin' people/kids eh? Dunno why they do it and what point they are really trying to make? Wish we could put harder punishments on them all, cause hardly any of them will be locked up, as there is no room in our prisons.
Anyway today food - EE
Breakfast - Banana
Lunch - Salad with some left-over mash from last night (1syn?) salad cream (2syns)
Snacks - fruit and muller light
Dinner - Beef and noodle stir fry with lots of mixed veg.
Hope your all having a good day!
