I have been very naughty this weekend! But was totally worth it
Friday night had a meal out and had 3 onion rings to start, then a fish salad but with lots of calamari and scampi ! Yum yum! Then we shared the chocolate brownie between three of us! But before all this I went to my friends house warming party n had lots of crisps and peanuts! oops

! Oh I also had two glasses of wine with my meal...!
Yesterday I really tried to be good, had my cars MOT at 8am so we went to the cafe round the corner and i wanted a cold drink and all the had wad full sugar oasis which wasn't very nice tbh! And James has a bacon nd sausage sandwich which I ended up eating a quatre of... Was yummy! Good thing is my cad passed it's mot with no advisories either which is fab! In the afternoon I had my friends round for a BBQ as it was shoreham airshow, and I ended up drinking to much cider

hehe !
Today wad my friends b'day so me and James went into Brighton to get her b'day pressie, but on the way we stopped and got a maccy d's I had the chicken n bacon wrap was lush n had some chips too! Oops! Then we went nd had a picnic by the river for my friends b'day! Only had the tyryls veg crisps but still unhealthy! Tonight we had a lovely roast dinner and it was all home grown including the meat! Which was lamb nd delish

and then had some double choc gataux!
So, I really need a kick up the butt to get back into it! As I go to Greece 2 weeks today!
I've been looking into starting the C25K running app tonight but not sure if I can do it and weather it would be too much on my ankle!?! but I need to do something! Am back at aquafit now and will be going in the morning again!
I have really rambled on tonight mainly about rubbish! But I hope all you lovely ladies have had a fab weekend!