Yaay, the sun is shining again!

Woop woop, except I am at work...
Only 11 days until my holiday, going shopping in Brighton at the weekend to try and get some summer clothes bargains as currently the weather in Zante is averaging 31degrees!

Woop woop. Also going to change up all our money on Saturday too - always loving that bit! Hehe!
So, I got in from work at lunch, and in the post box was my car insurance renewal forms - £730!!!!

I was like you gotta be kidding me, as last year I only paid £531, so I went onto, where I was quote by Diamond £479, much much better, so I rang Admiral and said about what I had been quoted and he did all of his checks and that, and managed to get it down to £438!! Woop woop - its cheeky that they do that though. I've just got it almost £300 cheaper! It happened last year too! Lol! Definitely always worth checking!!
So after my tiny little weight loss last night, which I didn't really deserve, I am determined to get 2lb of this week, as that will take me into the next stone bracket! I think I have everything prepared-ish so I don't go off!! Will be a little gutted if I don't get it as its the weight I also wanted to be to go on holiday, but hey ho if I get it I get it, if I don't I don't! I'll try no to get too down about it. I'm still about a stone light than when I went away last year.
Hope your all having a fab afternoon!