So, today was the day we got Buddy's results, and they weren't good
He has got a malignant tumour which they need to remove ASAP! Before it spreads more and affects his lympnodes too much. My poor boy.

So he is going back in again on Tuesday to have it all removed and I think they are going to remove his anal glands as well - not sure. They have to take quite large margins though. Just hope he is okay. You would never believe that he was unwell though, he doesn't look ill at all and is still full of energy. And such a healthy boy isn't over weight, his bloods were all good too. Bless him - but he is in the best hands

and he is booked in with one of the senior vets on Tuesday as well and she is the best for doing operations.
Anyway, had a lovely day shopping with Mum, well we had the bad news but apart from that was lovely - oh and Dad text Mum saying Buddy had been sick and was convulsing, turned out it was just him retching to be sick!!
But I got to more lovely dresses in the Next sale - both a size 12

One is like the one I posted a pic of the other day. I also got another new Soul Cal hoody in a 12 again.

And.. I gorgeous 'Ollie & Nic' satchel hand bag. Been wanting one for ages, but the style I liked my friend has it in the pattern but they had a different one today.
Anyway, I gotta go,
Have a lovely evening and rest of the weekend ladies.
I'm going out for dinner tonight and going to be having steak with a jacket potato. Yum yum.