A day in the life of Bexyboo! :)

Hi found your diary too hope that's ok :) it is lovely working at a vets my 8 year old is animal mad an wants to be a vet when she's older. At the moment she is driving us mad wanting a puppy mind you so do I but my hubby not keen, he gets allergies:-(
I'm going have a nosey at all your pages now see if I can pick up any good tips
Take care x
Hi Bex,

I'm really cross with myself cos I started writing to you last night when I was in bed...and then the next thing I knew Suki was barking and it was half past sis and time to get up for work! And my phone was on the floor where I'd dropped it last night in mid post! :rolleyes:

Anyway, I was basically sending you lots of love and good luck for Buddys biopsy results :hug99: The waiting is so awful isn't it? :( So here's hoping you get some very good news tomorrow xxx
I did it again last night! In the middle of a pm to Steve and fell asleep lol! Oh well, I sent it this morning...better late than never eh? :)

Have a nice day with mum, love to Buddy xxx
So, today was the day we got Buddy's results, and they weren't good :(

He has got a malignant tumour which they need to remove ASAP! Before it spreads more and affects his lympnodes too much. My poor boy. :( So he is going back in again on Tuesday to have it all removed and I think they are going to remove his anal glands as well - not sure. They have to take quite large margins though. Just hope he is okay. You would never believe that he was unwell though, he doesn't look ill at all and is still full of energy. And such a healthy boy isn't over weight, his bloods were all good too. Bless him - but he is in the best hands :) and he is booked in with one of the senior vets on Tuesday as well and she is the best for doing operations.

Anyway, had a lovely day shopping with Mum, well we had the bad news but apart from that was lovely - oh and Dad text Mum saying Buddy had been sick and was convulsing, turned out it was just him retching to be sick!!

But I got to more lovely dresses in the Next sale - both a size 12 :) One is like the one I posted a pic of the other day. I also got another new Soul Cal hoody in a 12 again. :) And.. I gorgeous 'Ollie & Nic' satchel hand bag. Been wanting one for ages, but the style I liked my friend has it in the pattern but they had a different one today.

Anyway, I gotta go,

Have a lovely evening and rest of the weekend ladies.

I'm going out for dinner tonight and going to be having steak with a jacket potato. Yum yum.

Hi Bex,

Oh I am so sorry to hear that Buddy is so poorly :'(

You did say that the area is quite small, so you have probably caught it early. If its any consolation at all, Simba had 3 tumours removed from her head and eye and recovered really quickly x She was 15 when we lost her, a really good age for dog her size.

Have a lovely meal this evening and try not to worry. You've done your bit by spotting the problem and then taking Buddy to the vet. Now you have to trust your vet, and I'm sure you do. And then afterwards you can spoil Buddy rotten while he recovers xx

Take care xxx
Thank you Dawn. Yeah he is in very good hands! The vet doing the op on Tuesday does lots of big ops and is very good. Its just quite worrying as he has never really had much wrong with him. I'll have a good read through his biopsy results on Monday! Am just glad I am working at the branch where he is having the surgery on Tuesday morning! :) as I have my check up appointment at the hosp!

I will enjoy my meal. Also meeting up with other friends after so that will be nice :)

Oh that's good x We're just on our way to Sarahs now for dinner! I'm really excited actually! She's doing some Greek dishes...something I've never tried before. Should be a good night!

Take care xx
Sorry to hear your doggy is poorly hope he gets better soon enjoy your nite out x
Hmmm, so food hasn't been fab today! Had spag bowl for lunch - HeB for the oil. Then dinner I had steak with JP but had to have butter... Also comes with a fried onion wedge which is lovely and an iceburge wedge which had had blue cheese sauce and stilton cheese on... Oops :) never mind, got my SW friendly fry up for breakie! :)

Right, its 00.45 I'm off to sleep!

Night all :) xxx
Oooh Bex,

That food sounds unbelievably tastey!!!

I love anything with cheese...my favourites atm are stilton and feta (not together :eek:)
Evening Bex,

Wishing you and Buddy lots of love, hugs, best wishes & positive vibes for his op tomorrow xxx

I've no doubts he'll be very well looked after xxx

Hi Becs i hope all goes well tomorrow sending lots of love x x