Thanks Dawn.
Yeah he is going to North Downs Specialist Referrals in Surrey. Looks really posh. But Gerry who he is going to see is a really nice man. Have spoken to him on the phone a few times before when he has phoned the practice.
There'g good news and bad news on Buddy. He will be having an ultrasound to see if it has spread to the sub-lumber lymphnodes, if it hasn't I think he may just have chemotherapy and at his best should live for another 2-2½ years, but will have to go back for regular checks. If it has spread which I think it may of done.. He will have to have them removed and start poss radiation therapy and chemotherapy and he wont have very good prognosis. So am really really hoping its the first, but I have a feeling it will be the second. But you would never believe that there is anything wrong with him - I was chasing him around the garden before work this morning. So he is still really well in himself. And is still loving his food - but I don't think he will ever go off his food. Bless him.
Anyway, sorry, enough about Buddy.
Last night I had aquafit and worked myself really hard again - need this loss this week!!!! And had Cottage pie for dinner with cabbage, carrots and runner beans - nom nom nom.
Ooo this weekend is going to be difficult food wise... Saturday morning I'm going to a ploughing match. And in the afternoon/evening I'm going to Wembley for 'The Big Gig' which is a massive Guides thing, with the likes of The Saturdays, Ed Sheeran, Ollie Murrs and lots other performing!

So am very excited about that.
And then on Sunday am going to the Autumn Show and Game Fair at the South of England show ground. So food at these places is never good. But need to go as need to get some news good quality waterproof leggings and neoprene gloves!!
Have a good day ladies.
