A day in the life of Bexyboo! :)

Operation all went well for Buddy, although the vet couldn't get large margins just because it was in an awkward place but she did as best she could. What he has got isn't curable and is likely to of spread, but we just got to see how he goes. His lymphnodes in his lungs did show anything on the xray though, so that's good.

And he will be home tonight which is good, Mum is going to pick him up later on. He will be much happier when he see's Mum, he had only just woken up when I left for lunch.

Weigh in tonight - Not looking good. :( I dunno - we'll see though.

Im so sorry about buddy being incurable hopefully with this op though it will help him to live longer, hopefully your mum will be there soon and he will perk up a bit, sending much love to you and buddy xxxxxxx
Thank you Emma. Am feeling better about it now he has had the op. Felt sick with nerves on my way to work this morning. Was horrible - couldn't go out the back when he was being done, couldn't watch him being done, but went and saw him when he was waking up. I know it doesn't make up for it, but think Mum and Dad are going to start looking for another puppy when they get back from there holiday next month, just to fill the whole when we lose him. But definitely not to replace him. Buddy would love a little friend.

I can't imagine the worry you must have felt this morning with him, but at least you know he was in very good hands and you were only 2 minutes away if you were needed. A puppy would help to keep his mind occupied i think and would be a nice idea xx
Yeah. :) I know Mum is worse than me though, but I haven't told her the whole of the lab report as there is one part on it which says give guarded prognosis... I spoke to another vet about that this morning and she said they say that but some go dogs will go on for a long time with this sort of problem... Just all a bit crap - and coming up for Christmas as well, this might be his last one... :( xx
Oh Bex, I can't tell you how sorry I am hunni. Such sad news xx

I don't think there would be too much trouble if you were to get a puppy. They are resilient and selfish...and that's not meant to sound bad! Just that a young dog will be very preoccupied with so many other things, I'm sure that he or she would be ok xxx But if you do decide to get one, I would do it fairly soon, while Buddy is still well and able to cope with all the excitement and chaos a pup brings!

Lots of love xx
Teah there are pros and cons of getting a puppy. I have spoken to a few nurses about it at work and they think it is a good idea, but I see what you mean Renate about the puppy then getting lonely - get another one! :D Hehe, no. I think it'll be okay still as long as we all still give it plenty of attention.

Mum and Dad are going away for a month in the middle of October down to Cornwall and are taking Buddy with them, and when they get back Me and Mum are going to London to Discover Dogs at Earls Court which is great fun. So may find a breeder there... As we want to get a Cocker Spaniel.

Just had more sh!t news while typing this, the specialist vet needs to see Buddy as well. Which I just hope his insurance covers! Am going to phone the company later on. But unfortunately unless I can get our of court, I wont be able to go with them (Jury service next week).

But he is world known for being specialised in the tumour Buddy has.

Anyway, weigh in - I STS. A little disappointing but think I know why, haven't been eating enough super free. Really need to lose this ½lb!!!

Hi Bex,

Aww poor Buddy! Off to see another vet :( But you never know hunni...he may have something new or different to try, so let's think positive xxx

Stressy weeks often equal poor losses or sts's so don't worry...and you know how fab you looked in your holiday pics! And you're not far from target now, so I suppose it's more than likely going to be a bit slower xxx

Enjoy the rest of your evening xxx
Thanks Dawn. :)

Yeah he is going to North Downs Specialist Referrals in Surrey. Looks really posh. But Gerry who he is going to see is a really nice man. Have spoken to him on the phone a few times before when he has phoned the practice.

There'g good news and bad news on Buddy. He will be having an ultrasound to see if it has spread to the sub-lumber lymphnodes, if it hasn't I think he may just have chemotherapy and at his best should live for another 2-2½ years, but will have to go back for regular checks. If it has spread which I think it may of done.. He will have to have them removed and start poss radiation therapy and chemotherapy and he wont have very good prognosis. So am really really hoping its the first, but I have a feeling it will be the second. But you would never believe that there is anything wrong with him - I was chasing him around the garden before work this morning. So he is still really well in himself. And is still loving his food - but I don't think he will ever go off his food. Bless him.

Anyway, sorry, enough about Buddy.

Last night I had aquafit and worked myself really hard again - need this loss this week!!!! And had Cottage pie for dinner with cabbage, carrots and runner beans - nom nom nom. :)

Ooo this weekend is going to be difficult food wise... Saturday morning I'm going to a ploughing match. And in the afternoon/evening I'm going to Wembley for 'The Big Gig' which is a massive Guides thing, with the likes of The Saturdays, Ed Sheeran, Ollie Murrs and lots other performing! :D So am very excited about that.

And then on Sunday am going to the Autumn Show and Game Fair at the South of England show ground. So food at these places is never good. But need to go as need to get some news good quality waterproof leggings and neoprene gloves!! :)

Have a good day ladies. :) xxx
Yeah, It will be a busy one.

I know with small furries it is soo difficult to tell sometimes when there is something wrong, and I know sometimes when they do get things wrong they go down hill so quickly :(

Aww bless her. Thats soo sad. Losing them soo young. :(

Buddy LOVES all treats :) He has been having lots extra already - Hope he doesn't start piling the weight back on cause we have worked hard for him to lose it! :) He was almost 30kg Christmas before last but we have got him down to 23kg. Which is much better for him!

Have just eating the cupcake - It was lovely. :) x
I really hope so, good luck buddy xx
Hi Bex,

Aww this is just so sad and unfair :( I'm so glad that everything that can be done, is being done for him. And that he's so well in himself xx

I'm off to a Macmillan coffee and cake morning now...might have to partake of something yummy...;)