A day in the life of Bexyboo! :)

Hi Bex,

Aww this is just so sad and unfair :( I'm so glad that everything that can be done, is being done for him. And that he's so well in himself xx

I'm off to a Macmillan coffee and cake morning now...might have to partake of something yummy...;)

Just to add the the ones last night ;) Hehe.

It is very sad, but I know that he is in the very best hands now and we will do all we can for him. He was a little b*gger this morning, came in my room about half 6 jumped in my bed, and he would not get off again. Came to the point that James has to lift him off. Bless him. He loves sleeping on my bed but can only do when James isn't round. I let him sleep on my bed on Tuesday after his op and forgot to put a blanket down... Was a bit silly as his wound was weeping. I have cream bed sheets - so not good. Lol.

Hope your all having a lovely day in the sunshine. I'm bored stuck at work. I did get some brilliant news yesterday... But I can't say anything until Tuesday.. :)

Well thats intriging are you really going to keep us all on tenterhooks till tuesday??? xxxx

I can't wait until Tuesday!!!! :cry:

Gimme a hint!!!!!! :8855:
Me neither its very unfair isn't it dawn ;) xx
VERY unfair Emma...

I feel a big sulk coming on...:(
bexyboo said:

You are a meanie ;) not even just a little clue? Lol x
Okay okay. Me and James have been accepted to do the First Buy scheme and we should be in out new place middle of December :):):) we are going to be going into a new build 2 bedroom apartment. We are going in the morning to reserve the property and on Tuesday we are meeting with our mortgage advisor :):):) the good news I was needing all week! Oh and also the court phoned me yesterday and said I'm not needed until Tuesday so I can go to see the specialist with Buddy too :)

Just been to The Bib Gig with the Guides... OMG was amazing! We saw Ed Sheeran, The Wanted, Dione Broomfield, Pixie Lott, Olly Murrs, Alexis Jordan and a couple of others! Was awesome! Just on the coach home now! Am shattered! And food has been shocking - but loverly :)

Hope you've all had a good Saturday :) xxx
Aww well done, your first house together it will be amazing, and a new build as well!!! Is it finished yet?? if not you will be able to have inout on how it looks, brilliant :D :D

Brilliant news about being able to go with Buddy as well!!

You have had a brilliant saturday by the sounds of it but back on sw in the morning missy!! have a lovely trip back xxxx
Yeah, its no way finished yet, we went and looked at it last thursday, and it doesn't even have any walls inside yet. Hehe. Its all soo exciting :) will try and get back on plan tomorrow but going to a country show, so will try! :) xxx

Must be amazing seeing it from the beginning i love watching new houses being built, just watched one recently that went from a plot of land to a row of 3 storey houses in the space of a few months it was great!!

Enjoy your country show tomorrow xx
Yeah, its great that we can watch the progress. Get to choose the flooring and the tiling too. :) and get to see what its like through the next few stages too. And the mortgage on this place it cheaper than if we'd rented one of those 1bedroom flats I said about the other month. Its crazy. Hehe. And they are in a really really lovely area too. :) just got soo much to buy now along with xmas pressies!! :) xx
Aww Bex that's absolutely brilliant news!!! :bliss::bliss::bliss:

How exciting for you and bf!!!

I bet you've been on tenter hooks waiting for news ;) And it probably couldn't have come at a better time for you...you deserve something nice to happen to you hunni xxx

And fancy your js being put back...you were obviously destined to go with Buddy xxx

Oh, and you'll be pleased to know I'm not sulking any more now...see! :D
Hehe Thanks Dawn. And good your not sulking. Hehe. Yeah Mum is really glad that I can come too. :)

Just cannot wait to move it now so we can have our own space. Will be soo nice. And I'll be able to food optomise much better I will have control of what I am eating. :):)

After all the sh!t I have eaten today I now have a really bad stomach ache... Just wana get home too bed! Only about another 45mins! I stupidly arranged to meet property people tomorrow at half 10... What was I thinking?!? Lol!

Better make sure you get lots of sleep tonight! Im sure you will get up no problem in the morning when its for your gorgeous new place! X
If buddy is anything like mine he's already lying on your bed lol xx
Morning Becs have a good day today viewing your new house! X