Thanks for posting cazwalden! Sounds like things are going great. I'll be really happy if I can get to where you are. I'm so nervous about standing in front of everyone. Losing weight has helped me gain so much confidence but the old doubts creep in from time o time. Are you happy with how things are going for you? You must be so proud to be helping people.
I was sooo nervous the first time i stood up in front of everyone, but once i found my voice i couldnt stop.
I still suffer with self confidence problems, especially when the group dont seem to participate much and i find myself repeating the same questions. Hoping days 5&6 will help with that though.
I am over the moon about how things are moving along. Numbers have dropped off a little but they have across the team so i know its not me. I get in touch with every single person that didnt show and see if i can find out why.
I have 3 ladies who are struggling, mostly through self doubt at being able to lose the weight that has taken so long to put on but with the experience my journey has given me, i am able to reassure them they will lose it.
I now had 3 guys in the group, we only had one before. They are great, they bring a whole new outlook to the group.
I did my month end on Wednesday and this month the group lost 236lbs !! Last month it was 198lbs, so yes, knowing i played a part in that has given me a real sense of pride.
We also won Best Warm & Friendly Group in May, after only 6 weeks in group.
My advice is, meet the group, be yourself, let your passion and commitment shine. Get to know the social team, meet them for coffee if need be. They will be your lifeline.
I was fortunate to take over my group and the pay & weigh ladies already knew me. I have grown the social team from 2 to 6. I have pay, weigh, shop, admin, raffle and body magic ladies. All have t-shirts and badges and all have a role to play which helps tremendously. Make sure you have help to pack up afterwards. Lable your boxes, i have 3, 2 for my shop and 1 for pay. I have a tea/coffee box and a small interest table box.
On the shop boxes i have what goes in each box so i dont have to sort through to find my stock.
Print off a stock sheet every week so your shop person can write down what you have sold, makes life so much easier when you come to do your upload.
Print off your before picture and use it when you do your commitment talk, even my group didnt remember me at my biggest. And when you use it during your NMT, it gives them hope that they can succeed.
I write a prompt card every week, i always forget about something though, usually Team Fun Tech lol
Welcome, Awards, Total Loss, Group News, SOW/SOM, raffle etc
I hope that helps a little. It is daunting, but once you get your first night out of the way, it gets easier
