Gold Member
brummie66 said:Well done on completing day one, I'm going to see how your doing by the end of you first week and then I might think about giving it a go. I was disappointed with a 1lb loss this week as had been good but am going to try and be positive as I should be grateful it was a loss! So i'm going to make sure I have plenty of salad, veg and fruit this week. Good luck with weigh in tomorrow, I shall pop over here to see how you do and that your surviving the shred!!
You've had some great loss so far brummie and 1lv is still in the right direction
For this week only I'm weighing Thursday evening as im at the dentist Wednesday so I'll update then
I want a 3 this week to get my 2.5 stone award and then full steam ahead to get my 3st by end of march
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