oooo - my email didn't tell me about anyone's replies so very exciting to come on this morning and find 4 of them! lol
Right well the last week has been totally chaos and just not great from a diet point of view at all. I continued in the oh sod it vein and haven't really tracked or pointed at all - just one of those weeks where life gets in the way and they are going to happen from time to time. I haven't eaten horrendously badly but I have missed meals and grazed instead and eaten virtually no fruit and veg - which is actually most unlike me as I normally JUST eat fruit and veg!!
So today we draw a line under it and get back on track.
Skating was great fun but I had no idea just how unfit I was!! I was sweating buckets by the end of it and my knees, ankles and hips were killing me .. plus I discovered butt muscles that have been awol since I was about 19 I think hahahahaha The first lesson was learning how to stand up (I'm not great at that bit), getting started, stopping and turning. Well I can do the complicated bits like turning without a problem but what I struggle with is the very slow basic stuff - funnily enough I can set off skating in what the instructor calls "step 2" which is supposed to be harder but I struggle with the beginners moves - typically me

The trouble I have with stopping is that I can do the scissor move (look at me getting technical lol) and can lift my brake but you than have to kind of sit into it with your knees bent to get the weight on the back brake - well because my back is incredibly inflexible due to osteoarthritis in my spine I simply can't do it. I can't do squats at all as I can't keep my heels or feet flat on the floor when I bend like that - no idea why but my tendons and ligaments simply won't allow me to without being in pain. I'm going to work on stretching them as much as I can this week but I can't see it helping too much - I am hypermobile in a number of joints apparently (can't do anything fancy but they don't stay where they should basically) and have all manner of problems with them and I think its something to do with that - I think my body has basically done what it wants for so long that now there is no training it to do anything else! We will move on to more complicated stops in future weeks if I keep going so I'll hopefully be able to get the hang of them better and then be more confident.
Breda you should look at giving the lessons a go though - the first thing they teach you is how to get into a position to stop you from falling or actually even how to fall and the way you do it means you won't fall backwards so your back is ok. When they got us to do it my knees took a bit of a pounding under the kneepads if I'm honest but they were well protected and didn't do any damage thankfully. The only thing that is still a bit dodgy today is my right ankle but I've had a lot of problems with that one in the past and I think its just a case of needing to get the strength back in it - that ankle/foot has a tendency to turn in ever so slightly and I'm guessing having inline skates on where it is straight and the ligament can't stretch in like that means I'm strengthening muscles that I haven't used for a looooong time so it'll get there slowly.
Terrific exercise - I've always been able to skate along without a problem and know how good that is for toning my legs up while not feeling like you are exercising but I've never known how to stop or turn or do any fancy stuff so its really good to be learning and get my confidence up again so come next summer I'll be going down the seafront and whizzing along the promenade for miles
Today is getting back on track with the diet and the menu is as follows:-
Breakfast (4)
Fruit smoothie with bio yogurt and flax seed oil
(not sure what to point the yogurt at as I seem to get different values every time I look at it so I'll take it as 3 for now until I actually get round to pointing the specific pot I'm using)
Lunch (9)
Pear and parma ham salad (3)
Low fat ambrosia custard pot (4)
Quavers (2)
Dinner (10)
Bubble & squeek:
Cabbage and leek (0)
100g potato (2)
Butternut squash (0)
Cathedral city low fat cheese (5)
Olive oil (1)
Weight watchers rich chocolate desert pot (2)
General (3)
half pint skimmed milk
Total = 26/31
I'm sure I'll add a few bits and pieces in as the day goes on to up the points a little bit but I'm not going to panic about it.
I haven't done my positives for a while - I have the beck diet book been sitting unopened for a week so tonight my plan is to start reading that as well and get myself back in "the zone". But in the meantime lets go with ...
1. Went to rollerskating on my own despite being knackered and not really wanting to make a fool of myself in front of a load of strangers. Worked out it was not only brilliant exercise but good fun as well.
2. Drawing a line under the last week and starting today as a fresh week.
3. Recognising areas that went wrong this past week and being determined to tackle these head on in future.