On my way back to Scarborough as I have left half my clothes, my bank card and all sorts of stuff there!!!! An hours wait at York.... Bring it on :/ Cigarette, coffee and a walk around I thinkNipping into asda for beef and stir fry l veg on the way back though!
Ruth Xx
Morning Ruth, You're doing very well. Great photos and wonderful food choices. I hope you're able to get to SW classes for your weigh ins and support in the future.
Soooo full!!! Ick!
Walking into town in 20 minutes to go and play pool with my mates whilst they have a few and I drink diet coke.... :/
Tartan dress and docs alert
Food looks fab! Outfit sounds very cute!
Hi, Hope you've had a fab weekend, food looks fab as always xx
Excellent food planning Ruth. How are you feeling? Does it seem to suit you?
Afternoon! See if you can find lose leggings the next use down (eBay)? I'm okay -- trying to motivate myself for some Fitness. I didn't wrk out yesterday, so I'm not counting it as one of my 100 days of 3Fs (Food, Fluid and Fitness). I have to do all three properly for them to count.