A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Thanks for the support ladies, i didn't go again last night, just couldn't face it:( xx

Normally it is me you are cajoling back onto plan! Go back when your ready chick but I guess make sensible choices to try and maintain. Miss you on here xxx

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Hello lovely, how are you doing? Have you found any of your spark for SW again yet? Hope all's well xx
Hey, come on hun, us "Lynne's" are made of tougher stuff, and we can survive minor/major hiccups!

Hey Lynne - hope you're ok?? I'm having a big wobble too and have really struggled to stay on track, but we can do this xxx
(Sneaks back in):eek:

Well i am back ladies! albeit at 1.30am in the morning, i seem to have developed insomnia!:4635:

First just wanted to say thanks for all the lovely messages and not forgetting about me! and wow i am very impressed you are all here and doing so well, very inspirational!

So a quick update on me then i suppose..... ok here goes..... I quit group :sign0007::whistle: and was subsequently booted off lifeline online :(, i have moved house yet again:sigh2:, i have gained around 10lbs :copon:, and now i seem to have become some sort of insomniac:confused: so it hasn't been the best of times but i am back and want to try and get back on it and make 2014 the year i get to my goal (now where have i heard that before!).

I have missed you guys, looking forward to catching up with you all on your diaries in due course xxxxxxx
Yay Lynne! I was thinking about you yesterday wondering how you are getting on.

Welcome back :-D in the grand scheme of things. 10lbs is nothing.

Sorry in a bit of a rush so a quick post but definitely glad to see you back x
Thanks ladies! hopefully this time i can do it!

Loving the new house thanks brittany! finally settled and hopefully wont be moving for a very very long time:).

I do seem to have forgotten the sw principles lol was in such a rush this morning that i totally missed breakfast and a am starving now!! so far all i had was a cup of tea, really need to get my sw head on!:character00115:

:scale: so i am still going to wi on a monday just doing it at home now. the damage wasn't as bad as i thought, i am 11st 10lb so a gain of 8.5lbs:eek: i guess over 6 months its not too bad, not great either though!

Welcome back Lynne!

Not a bad gain for six months, and once you get your SW head back on, it will soon drop off x
Welcome back Lynne! As everyone else has said, 8.5lbs in 6 months is brilliant!! I put on 5lbs in just a month during December, so I think you've done fantastically considering you've had so much on!! Hope you're enjoying the new house, and good luck getting back on plan - you can do this and 2014 WILL be the year you get to target :) xxx
First day somewhat back on track, syns are a little more than expected as i had used my hexb at breakfast then had a wholemeal roll at lunch :d'oh:.

Food today

B: 2 weetabix & skimmed milk
L: Wholemeal roll (6) with chicken breast, lettuce, cucumber & el mayo (1)
D: Spaghetti Bolognese with side salad & el mayo (1)
S: Be light crisps (6), Dairyfine bubbles mini (4), fat free greek yogurt

18 syns total
