Well WI last night and I lost 1lb. The weight is coming off slower than previous diets, but I am noticing big inch losses. Last week I lost 4.5" from my waist and 3" off my widest part. This week I have lost 0.5" from both upper arms 0.5" from my bust, 1" from my waist & 1.5" from my left thigh - must be doing more excercise on my left thigh than my right!! I'm really pleased with these inch losses as it's not just about losing weight for me I need to change my body shape aswell.
I think the best thing I did was invest in a Rosemary Conley Planner because it shows these little milestones that I'm passing.
I have set myself 2 mini goals so far
1) Lose 1st 0.5lb to get down to 15st - only 5lb to go. To complete by August Bank Holiday weekend.
2) Lose 10% of my body weight 22.5lbs which will get me down to 14st 6lb - Only 13lbs to go. To complete by end of September.
I think these are pretty realistic goals and I have pretty good reasons to want to hit these targets. August I'm going to Devon to see Family - 3 boisteres (sp) kids that always want to play. September I'm booking my holiday!!
Good luck to everyone else for the coming week.