I take it all back about the tablet being fine, I've been feeling constantly sick and yesterday was a new symptom of waking up with a super spinning head. I got up and stumbled all the way to the toilet and back and realised there was no way I was going to make it to the office. Last night I didn't sleep too well as I just felt sick, today I feel sick too :-( Looks like I might have lost a pound this week so far though which is good but it's not worth all this sickness unless I'm losing 4lb a week! I've decided to cut back to one tablet a day for now to see if that helps. I'm also going to avoid all sugary stuff/cheese etc even in small quantities incase that's having an adverse effect. I realise on my diet I should be cutting these things out anyway but when you're feeling sick from lack of food and the thought of everything except sweet stuff turns your stomach you're going to eat the only thing your body seems to want rather than what's healthy. Oh well, fingers crossed for a nice sick free weekend