A Weigh of Life

Hey you... sorry I haven't been around. Hope you're ok and that those crisps didn't torment you too much.
What've I missed? Any further liaisons? That don't include a Monster Munch packet?!
I've put on this week :$

On phone at mo so will update properly when I get to work.

Bad bad bad Zoe
Am I allowed to claim a NSV for size 14 jeans even if I know they only fit because they contain stretch?
Am I allowed to claim a NSV for size 14 jeans even if I know they only fit because they contain stretch?
How about a half NSV?
Pommette said:
How about a half NSV?

I'll take that happily.

My Mum's 60th birthday party last night and I was well and truly snared by the buffet devil. Not helping we bought loads of leftovers home!!!
Fortunately I'm out tonight on a bootie call so I won't be eating much.
Day 96 - It's so funny how we don't talk any more

Okay, it's time for a proper diary update I feel. Since I stopped doing this regularly (and coming on site 4/5 times a day) I've managed to go weigh off track. I've completely lost my focus.

I know I've had tons going on and in the last month this has mainly involved lots of drink and not really sticking to plan, even in situations where a little extra focus would have meant I could.

I had one great weekly loss of 5.5lb - but this was definitely a bit of an anomaly in my weight fluctuation rather than me doing everything right. And pride came before a fall as last week I put on 1.5lb.

I'm almost certain to have gained again this week as it was The Mother's 60th birthday party last night and although I was pretty good with the buffet during the do itself, all the leftovers that came home have got the better of me.

Basically, I'm struggling and I'm putting it down to my neglect of you guys and spending time (albeit online) with people who can keep helping me think "Yeah, I can bloody do this thing".

And I can bloody do this thing. I do it slowly. I'm currently at 14.5lb loss over 13 weeks. Which is what I expected. I've always said it would take me a year to reach my personal target of losing 49lb. I guess I was secretly hoping that by saying a year it would somehow make the diet demons make me lose weight quicker.

So, bad news is you're pretty much stuck with me for at least another 39 weeks. Minimum. So you'll have to see me through my birthday and the inevitable sorrow at gaining yet another year whilst still being fat. And Christmas too. I usually work Christmas so I don't suffer from overeating then - but I do at New Year when I'm an absolute drunkard.

I am struggling though. I can't seem to get my head back in the positive losing weight place I had it when I started the diary. I don't know why. I'm feeling great having lost a stone and people have started to notice the difference. I may have been distracted somewhat by boys and the problems getting involved with them create. I probably just need to focus on me and ditch them for a bit.

So, I have 8 WIs until football season restarts in August. My next point of focus for a mini target. I said I'd like to lose another stone by then but given the fact I've eaten two more sausage rolls whilst writing this I may be more realistic and make that 7lb.

I hope some of you have stuck around whilst I've been neglecting you and that you're here for a bit of shoulder crying over the next couple of weeks as I try and get myself back on track.

And to those I've lost along the way - thanks for all your support in losing my first stone

Hi Zoe, you know you can do it if you really want to. Come back over to weight loss buddies, there's some lovely new ladies and you'll get the extra support you need. ;) xxx
Hi Zoe - you CAN do it. But it does take a bit of effort.

I'm a slow loser - always have been, always will be. Why? Because I do have all my syns every day (in alcohol !!!!! LOL). It's my way of sticking with SW.

Lots of people say steer clear of the booze. If you are the sort that can't stop at 2 or 3 then that is true. But by having a couple of small glasses of wine or voddie each day then it actually helps me stick to it.

Find that "treat" that you can give yourself every day and you will be able to do it. Honest Injun!
I agree with what others have said. Try rereading your posts from when you were doing well. Also thinking and focusing on how you feel now that you are a stone down (and how you felt looking back at before you started) and keep writing because it will help you remember why you are doing this.

I suspect that there are still a number of people reading your thread who are happy to support :)

Good luck Zoe.

Gail x
Yep, still reading! Now, stop faffing about and get on with it. You will feel so great when you are back in charge. Have just one good day!! Xx
Well, I'm a letdown already. Nature and venue of yesterday's bootie call meant I had pizza for dinner. Deep pan. And therefore had leftover pizza and chocolate bar for breakfast.

Putting that behind me: I won't allow it to ruin the remaining day and a half left of this week. Now fully focussed and everything after 1pm today is staying on track. Just had baked potato and beans for lunch.

The upside being that sharing a pizza with someone appears to be a bit of a defining point for me and has helped make the decision I won't be seeing The Boy again. Ergo: no more pizza. Alas, no more sexy body magic for a while. But hey ho. It's not the first nor last sacrifice I make toward losing weight.

So, bagful of superspeed fruit and superspeed chilli on board..... Let's tackle it ladies!!?
I'm now logged onto the site from work so it feels like you're all watching me constantly.

It's slightly spooky to be honest. You bunch of stalkers, you.

Be positive! You just need a nudge to get you back in the zone. You've done so well! X
You had a bootie call in a pizza house?! Blimey, and I thought I was adventurous! Lol. On a serious note, I have noticed that men just don't make me happy. Or rather the men I seem to pick. All a bit of a quandary really, but it does sound like you need to focus on you. Stay in touch on here my little focus buddy, one day at a time remember. I'm aiming to shift a bit by beginning of August too, so we have similar targets. Xx
I've done a sneaky weigh in a day early. I kind of wanted to know where I was at after my mad weekend. Turns out it's not too bad, In fact considering I though I'd put on it's quite good. I'm half a pound off. I know it's a day early and tomorrow may be different.

Downside is I'm thinking my excesses will probably carry over a bit and I'll see the real weight gain next week. Which means I'll just have to be doubly good :rolleyes:

The upside is it's made me positive again. I'm sat here with my cup of hot water with lemon juice (which I haven't done for weeks) and I'm debating whether to have a bowl of summer berries for breakfast instead of my normal ready brek and banana. That way I can save my Hex Bs for later (ryvitas) and have them with dinner as a replacement for bread rolls which I'm really craving right now.

I'm slowly shoving my head back in the zone
I am now craving a minestrone cup a soup with ryvita and cream garlicy cheese!


I had my summer fruits for breakfast. I now have to go chop more summer fruits to take to work as that was meant to be my snack pot for this evening.

There is a man in my back garden spraying the weeds so I'm waiting for him to go away before I go stand in the kitchen in my nightie. I'm on night shift before I get accused of being a lazy bum.