Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

they aren't under our perview jim. they aren't even supposed to work in our office, even though we do end up providing support at times. they aren't included in our budget so we have nothing we can offer them that would make our lives easier. they should be able to use wireless on their laptops but they don't. probably because they'll get charged on their data cards or something. but i don't really know how their stuff is set up as they have nothing to do with us really... amazing how pally they can get when they forget their lappy chargers though. we've mysteriously gone from having four to two so now they are told we're watching them when they borrow one...
jim. can i pick your brain? i need to think up an offsite backup solution for a cluster sharing a single disk array. do you have any suggestions? i don't have any experience in cluster backup and wondered if you did before i stare at google for hours on end...
What type of backup abz, do you mean another server or something?
i think so jim. either that or we can backup on netapp. at the moment it's just being robocopied over which is crap for recovery... or we can put a single server on another site and back it up to there. it's part of this massive dr thing i'm supposed to be doing, but in doing it i've discovered that our backup is crap!!
It's surprising how often you find that abz.

We do a tape backup on each of our servers every night and we do a ditto image to a server in a different part of the building. That's some software from a company called Icomm see: Icomm Technologies - IT Services, IT Networks, IT Support, IT Development and Web Design. Birmingham, UK.

When I was using IBM AS400's we did a cluster image copy to a remote server in Telford, hosted by a backup company, that was expensive though, but it did mean if you lost your server room you could just keep on working.
well we don't really have a budget to do this jim. we do have another office outside of leeds and we could quite easily shove a server in there and backup the server using the link. i just don't know what backup solution to use. there seem so many ways of doing things and open source would be preferable methinks because then they won't have to spend any money. which would increase the chances of my proposal being accepted 300fold methinks. do you know of any good backup software solutions?
oh i want to go home and cry. i am so unbelievably out of my depth. somehow now i have to build a new server with minimum services on it for disaster recovery and have absolutely no clue how to start. i've never built a server, have no idea how i would do such a thing and i want to spit my dummy out. well actually i want to throw my machine through a window but i'm trying to be restrained.
When you say build it abz, do you meant installing the OS?
That's not easy abz, there are people who specialise in that.
yes jim. and apparently i'm supposed to magically become one of them. my colleague paul has been attempting to explain file sharing to me properly because i'm trying to figure out whether i need to use it or not... turns out i probably will, ha. we use cluster administrator to run all our scripts and shares but since we won't be recovering onto a cluster i need to find the alternative for a server...

server stuff has always scared me somewhat which is why i'm so bloody clueless. this was supposed to be a dr plan, but it suddenly seems like i'm going to have to implement it to find out if we can do it... aaaargh. thanks for your help :) i'm in a bit less of a tiz now, but a tiz all the same. i feel like i've been manically busy all day but time is going so unbelievably slowly... that just doesn't seem fair somehow...
I'm not sure I could manage a windows cluster build myself abz, AS400 or any flavour of Unix yes.
well it's going to be a challenge jim. especially since nobody seems to be of a mind to actually help me do it!! probably because they don't know how to themselves. we have departments that do this kind of thing, but since it is for our department then i suppose i need to do it myself. and i would have no clue who to ask even if i was to ask someone... gotta love my job *sigh*...
ah well, good luck and good night abz.
thanks jim. and thanks for letting me vent at you :) i've scared everyone else off!! ha.

have a good evening. see you tomorrow :)

abz xx
Hi Abz - I hope you are a little less stressed and things are becoming a little clearer x
good morning everyone. i don't start work for another half an hour so am catching up a wee bit :)

my brain already feels addled, ha, but i'll get started on melting it after 8am :)

abz xx