Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

I'd love to go to that Brummy one again - it was fantastic last year, really enjoyed it x
it was incredible. but so unbelievably busy. i think if i was to go again i'd go in the day as we didn't go until later on did we?
I'll be going again this year.
It was later but that made it nicer in a way cos all the lights wer lovely x
that's true gem. the lights were so beautiful. all blue and white stars. the leeds ones tend towards large penguins and polar bears :S
I just go for the food and beer. ;)
You surprise me Jim!

Good morning Abz x
Morning all,

Abz, I was wrong about the Christmas Market love, it opened on Saturday, I'm told it's the biggest one in England, certainly looked huge to me ob Saturday, oh and there was a big rock concert at millenium, point as well.
Mornin' Abz x

Love to go to the German market in Brum again Jim x

Tazzi - what a surreal experience to be in flight at Christmas (like Santa or the Christmas Angel I guess) x
Well, despite the red dress (or top) I didn't think you really were Santa - the beard wouldn't suit you x
Hope all goes well for you Angel x
i'm just over three months preggers :D

had my scan today and all is well. the women at work think my baby currently looks like a guineapig :) i'll post the photo and let you lot decide :)

abz xx
pic is now in my albums :) have a looksee.

guess you all know why i've been feeling so tired and crap recently then ey? :)