Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Good for you - it wouldn't do for everyone to like the same things. No variety = boring x
You like pasty skinny men with make up?
OK..... I'm trying to get into that idea but I like rugged blokes I'm afraid - see, variety again!!!!
Morning Abz :) How are you today? did you have a nice weekend.

Aw shame about 2012, I was wanting to see that! I'll save my money though and wait for it on DVD i think.
Alas - did I not say dark and rugged?
Dark hair, dark eyes and hunky please mmm.............
Hmm, well I'm pretty tanned, sorry I can't do the dark hair or eyes though, I am (was) blonde and blue eyed. :D
i can't imagine you with blonde hair jim. you just look jimmish to me :D

well i am currently desperately waiting for the sandwich man!! i'm starving and have been since 11. grrr.

also today i am feeling little buzzy feelings in my lower tummy. like little vibrations. certainly not felt anything like it before so i'm wondering whether it's my baby. but i'm only 14 weeks so surely it's a bit early? still. after checking my chair wasn't vibrating and walking around and still being able to feel it i'm unsure as to what else it could be unless my bowels have gotten themselves a buzz feature :D

abz xx
it just feels like little vibrations. or like that tingly type of pins and needles, not the painful kind, just the kind you get when you realise you're going numb, ha.
oh you poop!!

thanks nomad :)

well i've taken tomorrow off. yeeeeeehaaaa. *swings lassoe*

well i have a couple of days left to take and these four 10-hour shifts in a row are killing me. so i figured i would split it up this week. hopefully in another fortnight when i have to do it again i'll have perked up a bit :) either that or i'll take my other days' holiday, ha.

i am also ashamed to admit that i have just purchased world of warcraft. thomas and his danish mates all play it and i've been feeling very left out so that's my new venture. watch my life disappear before your eyes :)
