Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

LOL abz, have a nice day off love.
thanks jim :) only 45 mins to go until the end of today. and it's been such a long and slow day!! am absolutely shattered. am getting a nasty headache from staring at a screen with tired eyes... :( might go for a bit of a wander to avoid the screen for a bit.
Woooo ill have to get into warcraft when i get back :p Practive honey.....cos you dont want an Aussie kicking your butt!!! :D xx
I remember the butterflies thing Jane - even though it was a long time ago. It was the first stirrings - that could be what you've got Abz x
What have I missed? Who is peanut? Have we nick named the baby that????
No No Bren, that's the nickname we gave my impending grand child ;)
good morning everyone. me and mini michaelis are doing very well thanks, although i haven't felt anything else since, so i was either imagining it all day, my insides now spontaneously vibrate, or it was pot luck, ha. well it was very early...

thoroughly enjoyed not being at work yesterday. am totally gutted that i am here this morning. thomas kept shouting in his sleep last night so i am not the most awake person this morning...

and i feel sick as a dog. this is supposed to go soon right? ha.

played world of warcraft a bit but got a bit bored with it, although it was more fun when thomas was playing too.

abz xx
Morning abz and morning mini mich. :)
good morning jim :D

ha. well me and mini mic have had a bit of a falling out this morning. i've just been sick at work. gah. nobody noticed of course, so no worries. but i feel like poop :(

thomas has been off with a sickness bug for the last two days, he's ok today. but i'm really hoping that my tummy ache and sickness are just pregnancy things rather than the start of that as i really don't fancy being sick more than i already am :(

what are you up to today jim? any high octane IT things heading your way?

ooh, the air con has gone off. i can hear things :D
Thing s are very quiet at the moment abz, not much happening, but that's support for you isn't it love. Busy as hell, or nothing to do.
yup. work is absolutely dead at the mo jim. i still have this disaster recovery thing to do but i need to talk to my boss about it and won't be able to until next monday. there's some auditing to do but it's the third time i've had to do it because people aren't keeping records up to date and i'm sick to death of it.
I'm just wondering where to go for lunch, that's the nice thing about being near the city centre. So much choice. :)
hmm. i might start browsing for pressies soon. and email my aunty asking if she minds if we don't get pressies for the kids this year as we are seriously skint... but i should get them something i suppose. i'll find something online for a fiver... ha.
No pressie buying for me. I only buy 1 card and 1 pressi and that's for Colleen. :)
i would imagine so :) you won't be able to help yourself :)

well i just bought my first christmas present. thomas has been on about a usb coffee warmer (which he doesn't need, well, it would be for tea for him) for years but i've always said no or been unable to find a cheap one at birthdays and christmas and he's always going on about not having enough usb ports on his pc (he doesn't need them either. it must be some kind of status thing :S) and i found a really cheap usb coffee warmer that doubles as a four port usb hub. so have just ordered it for him for christmas. so woo.

am considering a digital photo frame for mum, and i would have to fill it with photos for her too, as it's the kind of thing she'd like and the kind of thing she would never know how to use... so... but they are rather pricey so i am still thinking about it...

as for what to get the rest of my family? not a blimmin' clue...

abz xx