Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

have also just bought my dad a book on fishing. since it seems to be his current favourite new passtime, and it seems to be quite funny. that should get here tomorrow and hopefully it won't be crap.
oh good grief. i've been desperate for a doner kebab since ten to eleven this morning!! and will the need go away? it will not!! i think i'm going to have to succumb... why can't i want healthy things? at least i managed to eat two apples today. that's two more pieces of fruit than i've managed in the last couple of weeks!!

abz xx
Hi Abz - I hope the sickness passes soon x
Morning Abz - hope you're feeling less queasey x
Morning abz, Colleen had a yen for pickles when she was having Jamie, she hates them and has never eaten them before or since. With Eleanor she used to yearn for chalk! Very strange.
that is strange jim :)

well i had my donor kebab. it didn't taste as nice as i was expecting it to but these things never do, ha. so that's that out of the way hopefully :)

i am feeling better today. haven't been sick. have had more sleep, although i still don't think i had enough, but it's friday, and it's payday, and that's two good reasons for the day to be a good one :)

my mum is coming to visit me tomorrow. there's a family funeral today that i'm not going to, and mum and her fella are calling in on us tomorrow and staying the night. so that will be nice :)

abz xx
I shall be having a kebab tonight abz, Friday ritual and all that. :D
ha. if i don't think about what it is jim then i'm loving it :) i just wish i wanted healthier things, that's all :) am considering yoghurt at the moment. i bought myself a chicken salad sandwich for lunch and really fancy it for brekkie so i don't think it's going to be lasting very long...

no it was a yucky sound at the idea of fruit bread :( i have weird and wonderful tastes at the mo :) still. that sandwich was luvverly :D
well wanting a donor kebab at ten to eleven yesterday morning wasn't great, ha. i haven't really had any peculiar ones... early on i had a sudden need for wensleydale cheese and thomas had to go on a hunt for some, but nothing too peculiar as of yet :D
hey jim. any excitement for you today? so far our boiler didn't come on and i had to go and sort that, but that's about as exciting as my day is going to get today....
I'm trying to work out why our data usage on the network jumped from an average of 23GB a month to 183GB in November.
holy moly jim. that's one hell of a leap. did everyone start watching strictly come dancing on iplayer or something? :D
No idea abz, I'm just sifting through all the reports now.