Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Hope you're having fun. x x

It's gonna be a great new year for you. x x
Happy New Year Abz ... Just think next year you'll be an offical member of the mummy club xxx
happy new year everyone :D

i am huge. uncertain how much is flab and how much is baby. one good thing i suppose is i can no longer eat large amounts of food, so all these incredible dinners over the last few days have been rather wasted on me, ha. but then i need all the help i can get :D hoping to get a wee bit more healthy once home. in fact i'm looking forward to it!!

abz xx
Hey Honey :)

Glad you are enjoying yourself...i am huge also...but i cant blame the baby :( Lol.

THe move is going ok. Trying to sort out endless bits of registrations and stuff like that. My phone is causing problems now too cos all pre-paid phones need to be registered...sure...no worries..........except mine was registered by the bloke in the shop and i cant change the name now. So im going mad.....because i dont have access to my own accounts because its in someone elses name. xx
Tazzi that's sounds ridiculous!

Abz, glad you had a lovely time away and I am sure that it is baby mainly. The time is just flying now with your pregnancy. We are thinking perhaps at the end of this year of trying, but not certain yet. This year I plan to move house.

It's a restart for me today and I must say I only gained 2 lbs (actually 800gm) over the 2 week period, so not bad and hoping to be rid of that by Sat for my WI. I am sort of doing points and Cohen's food. So probably under pointing. But I just want to make a small dent in the number on the scales. Might do this for 2 weeks and then go back to 22pts. We shall see?

Morning all, Hi abz, nice to see you back, it's been quiet on here. ;)
Happy New Year to all three of you!:D
Did you have a wonderful time on the continent? Hope your journeys weren't spoilt too much by the weather
Has the sickness finally settled yet?:eek:

hey guys. well i've been sent home because of the snow. glad i got out when i did too as now it looks like it might stop soon... ha. it's slowed a lot in any case. both me and thomas got to work ok at 7am this morning, thomas got turned straight back around and it took him 2.5 hours to get back to me to bring me home too... so not good. saying that it looks like it might stop...well the sky still looks very full, so we might just get a brief respite.

am sitting and eating a cheese toastie and drinking a cup of tea and watching the snow out of the window. not bad for my first day back at work :D

hope you all had a fab crimbo and happy new year to you all :)

it's my scan tomorrow. woo. so hopefully we will know whether we are having a boy or a girl and fingers crossed that the baby is healthy and all is fine :)

abz xx
I'm a granddad abz,

Olivia Isabel, 9lbs 2Oz at 8 this morning. :D
Awwww that's such lovely news Jim :D Congratulations to you and your family!

Hi Abz, I am finally getting back on here! i shall be on more often now I am in the 'zone' :D

Hope you enjoy your day being snowed in at home! it's like the old days of the school train not arriving :D and good luck for the scan tomorrow :) hope you can get to it through the snow :S
Hi Abz,I wish I could sent home!

Glad you are doing well and hope you had a good Christmas and Happy New Year.

Good luck with the scan tomorrow and as Bon said, I hope you can get there!!

Congratulations Jim :)
It'll be you next abz, and thanks everyone. :)
Good luck for the scan tomorrow. Will you be able to post your pic for us? x