Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Morning abz, that's wonderful love, another little girl. :D
I think you're settling nicely to the the thought of a daughter Abz but wise to keep an open mind x
Yay! how exciting :D

Awww you know I do like your choices of names :) I like Isobel :) I also really like Matilda :D hee. But I think you'll need to see her before you properly decide :)
Wonderful news Abz & Isobel is a lovely name. x :D

(Lovely pics Jim - hope you get to have your cuddle soon. x :))
I like Matilda as well.
You might as well buy the basic babygrows as you'll find so many people will buy you little outfits for the baby that I ended up with some outfits never getting worn before the baby had grown and was too big ....
Don't forget Eva;)
Colleen went on a baby shopping spree yesterday, the stuff you can get for babies now is unbelievable. :D

£90 and I didn't blink an eyelid or even complain. LOL.
Lol Jim :) well how can you begrudge the little one some treats :) aw, bet you're a lovely grandad who is gonna keep on spoiling her rotten :D

Has she been able to come home yet?
She's coming home this afternoon Bon, I can't wait. LOL
how exciting for you jim :D :D bet you are looking forward to that cuddle :D

i haven't been too bad this morning. but i have to admit i'm starving and can't wait for the sandwich man to get here. he's almost late. and i start feeling really sick if i don't eat. so he had better show up soon!!

abz xx
also, am thinking of getting this for nursery walls:

Wallpaper Border, Hodge Podge - Mamas & Papas

and not least because it's called hodge podge, ha. everything that matches is so expensive but if you get the border and the lamp shade or curtain tie backs or something with cheapy curtains then you'd get away with it :) but i'm not totally sure. thomas says it's very me, but probably far more me than baby :D well, the baby won't care for a while will it :D

abz xx
Congratulations hunni, deffo a good idea to keep an open mind they said Lewis was going to be a girl.lol. I bought all my babygrows from tesco the plain value ones as they grow out of them so fast and friends and family ususally buy loads of nice things.

congrats Jim hope you get your cuddles soon.xx
That looks nice abz. :D

Thanks Susan, I love your avatar. :)
Hey Abz...

That looks lovely.. I fell in love with Mama's & Papa's linear zoo with AJ.. bought the border new & everything else from ebay & now we've just re-done her room for a 2 yr old minx, I mean girl its all going back onto ebay!!

I agree with others about keeping things relatively neutral... Jacob was a girl at my 20wk & 28 wk scans.. it was only my 37wk scan that showed something that little girls definately do not have!! ;)

Aw lovely Jim, home for the weekend :)

I do love that border Abz :) and it suits a boy or girl :D so go for it, you just need the border and then plan walls will be nice enough :D
ha, yeah. exactly. i think the border could be for either. so that's cool, and i'm mainly going to get babygroes in any case. if the odd girly thing creeps in then it won't be too big a loss if it's a boy. however i'm sure other people will mainly take care of buying the girly stuff... aargh. pink!!