Pink is a thing people often have a "thing" about. It's all about being conditioned to being a girl, part of the sytem of keeping us in our place - "Oh is it a boy or a girl? Ah... a little girl - put her in pink - never mind, perhaps you'll have a boy next time". All about having a son to carry on the family name, the family business (........ and son), the father's machine in the factory. Daughters were destined to make sons for other families and defining that role early in life was important for some. For others it was no more than getting rid of that moment when you say "What a cute little baby - is it a girl or a boy?" If it's a pink one, it's a girl - simples!
Whatever you decide Abz it will be right for your baby and she will be the most important person in your world - and let's face it pink or not these days it can be a girls world too if you have the fight to go out and get it. Give her courage and determination and above all self belief and it won't matter what she wears x