Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Morning abz, how are you today love?
howdy everyone. yes i've had a risk assessment. but to be honest i can just say when i don't want to do something but i think one of my colleagues is getting a bit pissed off. still, that won't stop me.

thomas woke up yelling in pain yesterday. turns out he has a muscle spasm in his back, trapping his sciatic nerve. had to call the doc out to confirm that's what it was (which it was) so he's now looking at at least a week off work. and he doesn't get paid. and his workplace are funny. so am really hoping he doesn't end up getting laid off or anything. don't know how we'd cope :( but anyways. he's got plenty of painkillers and is moving around a lot even though it's early days and really hurting him. but the more he moves the faster he gets better. the doc didn't seem to think he'd be able to get downstairs until today but he was up and down them a lot yesterday and he managed to get up on his own this morning.

i was having really nasty tummy pains last night. think i overdid it with helping him up and around so i can't do that any more. same pains as before and of course bump is having a quiet day just to send me into panic but she is nudging away every now and again so she must be ok.

seeing midwife tomorrow so will get her all checked out then. given that the last time this happened it was a week ago, i had overdone it again and i hadn't drank enough water that day either, i'm wondering if it has anything to do with my kidneys as i'm on antibiotics for them. so i'll ask about it tomorrow.

have been very dizzy and sick again this morning :( am at work on my own today though so can take it a wee bit easy.

abz xx
Ouch, Poor Thomas abz, I know how that feels believe me.
so do i jim, believe me. thomas said 'when your sciatica flares up again, if i ever make fun of you, well, i just won't', ha. obviously mine hasn't been as bad as his is now for years and years. but i really feel for him. especially having such an active job. he can't go back until it's totally better which is why we got him up and moving as soon as it was confirmed. the quicker you get moving the quicker you get better... hoping for some miracle recovery really...
It's funny how the thinking has changed abz, many years ago I spent 3 months lying on my face for that, these days as you point out they like to keep you moving.
yup. with mine i just thought i'd pulled something so i laid on my back for four days before going to the docs. turned out i should have been moving all that time...
That's the current thinking anyway abz.
yes. apparently they've decided that movement 'reminds' your muscles where they should be and how they should move. no doubt in a couple more years they'll change their minds again but it does seem to be helping thomas so far.

am just swigging a diet coke. my crash of the day has come early. probably because not only was i waking up frequently myself to turn over etc, but every time thomas turned over he made some kind of pain noise and that woke me up too. so glad i get to lie in in the morning...
What time do you finish today then abz?
Hey Abz

At least minimins keeping you busy like me :))

6 will fly by...

here's hoping amber. only two and a bit hours to go. of course OH can't drive at the mo, and i don't think i'd survive a bus without being sick on someone, so it's a taxi home for me... gah.

abz xx
rang the midwife as i had had so little movement yesterday and after a night with pain. so she wanted me to go to the hospital. i was in a mad panic and still at work. one of my best mates came to pick me up and whizzed me there from work last night. all is fine :) baby was having a tired day. pains are from a urine infection that i'm taking antibiotics for the midwife thinks. she said that the tubes running from your kidneys to your bladder can get kinked when you are pregnant and they can spasm when you have an infection and it does hurt like hell. so that's a relief. and of course the baby starts kicking as soon as she starts using this enormous doppler thing. not hard. but a bit. but today she seems to be a bit more back on form.

apparently, because i'm being sick so much and am wiped out as a result, the baby probably is too, although she's getting all the nutrients she needs. so i've been told to munchy munch all day in little bits. like i needed an excuse!!

so there we go :)

have slept most of today. have the weekend off work too. woohoo!!

abz xx
Glad everythings ok Abz... always best to get things checked out! xx
Glad you and bump are doing fine xxx
Glad you are both doing okay my dear. Hope you have a good weekend. xxx
Hope all is well Abz and you are feeling better soon x
Morning abz, so how are you this morning love?