sorry guys. i've been terrible at getting on minis.
work was busy yesterday. i've been writing faqs for staff from another office that will be providing support remotely when i leave since they aren't replacing me. but i've done that now. and we have loads of monitoring things going on at the moment. we have to log what we do. but you can't log everything. like answering questions etc. but it shows idle time for when you haven't logged anything. so really makes you feel like you have to account for every second of your 10 hour shift. everybody is on holiday except me today and all the project work is either rather delicate or in a language i haven't learnt so can't just start it. i can read up on it, but that isn't something i can log, and therefore will look like i'm not working. it's really irritating!!
me and bump are both fine. she's definately more awake overnight and woke me up at 5am this morning. so sleepy abi!! ha.
abz xx