ha. yup and now she's bouncing on a hip bone which produces a rather uncomfortable nerve twinge ha. i love it though. it's going to be strange to have the baby and not the movement on the inside. it must feel like something's missing (if you have time to think about it )
ok, so i keep overheating. not enough to sit out in the sunshine though!! ha. am really looking forward to being off this summer. have spent years inside looking out at the nice weather and having it be overcast when i had my days off. so excited
well today is dragging. i keep having busy bits, and then nothing. and then another busy bit. and then nothing. at least there are busy bits i suppose
i keep trying to read up on php and convert some of my asp code into it, which isn't difficult, but i'm so tired i just keep reading the same bit over and over and over...
well good morning everyone. thomas has started not just talking in his sleep, but yelling in it. which is really frustrating. because if he hadn't been doing that last night and waking me up i would have had a half-decent night's sleep. at least seven hours i reckon. with only waking up maybe three times. instead it was the usual hourly waking with him yelling. gah!! might have to gag him