it should have settled down over three months ago gem, ha. i guess i'm just not one of the lucky ones but it is much better than it was. but when i have a bad day it's invariably at work, which makes the experience so much worse!! ha.
am feeling a tad better but don't want to count my chickens
not long now until i'm out of here. 8 weeks more work after today would love to be at home more, but to be honest i had the day off on thursday and was bored out of my mind!! ha. so maybe i should stay here as long as possible.
Thats the one thing about pregnancy I never understood... with all the sleep deprivation once bambino is here I reckon its only fair that you should be able to sleep for England whilst pregnant!
i couldn't agree more!! ha. i'm so restless all the time. and then when i do sleep, i wake myself up trying to turn over as my hips hurt. add into that OH asking me questions in his sleep, well. it's going great!! ha.
Hiya Abi
Just popped in to catch up on your pregnancy ... well done on only gaining 12lbs so far thats really good... I remember the best thing about giving birth was coming home 2 stone lighter so yes babies placenta and water do weigh alot. I gained 4 or 5 stone with all my kids so i definately applaud you
good morning everyone. back at work again... but not working yet. am getting used to being here an hour early again. of course i was asked to do things as soon as i arrived here this morning... different supervisor. i could have refused but hey, it wasn't a big job...
me and bump are doing fine. currently eating a cheese and cucumber sandwich for breakfast. made them for lunch whilst secretly knowing they possibly wouldn't make it to 9am. well one of them hasn't made it to 8... :S looks like a trip out to tesco for me at lunch time then...
have also rediscovered fizzy water. and bump loves it
so far jim. am waiting for her to get in her favourite most awkward position and start booting me in the stomach... nausea inducing doesn't cover it :S but so far so good tickles at the moment actually