Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

yes, i totally understand too jim. and i did tell him this. but if he'd mentioned it when it became an issue then it would have been so much easier. and i didn't realise i could just take it upon myself to work on something without authorisation. a lot of our systems are rather delicate and i'm totally terrified of making mistakes. i will be having an appraisal with him shortly, and now that i know where i stand i feel a lot more confident with that. i even got a smile as he left. like i say, he's lovely. and when he was in this office and i knew what he was working on and how stressed he was then i knew when there was a problem. but of course because he's only here once a week, and i only see him once a fortnight. that is difficult.

i had a saga with toys r us today. bought a carseat from them. due to terrible customer service it turned out that it doesn't fit the car unless i buy the base unit to go with it. but they won't admit that the labeling (that told me it fitted in my car and was attached to the car seat but in fact referred to the base unit that was nowhere to be seen... but didn't say that) was bad or that the signs that tell you you can't return a car seat (which i still haven't seen. they must be miniscule) or the member of staff that told me the label must be right (who turned out to be warehouse staff but how was i to know that) in any was was wrong. i can't return it. they won't give me anything and basically treated me like an absolute idiot. i refuse to buy the base unit off them though. arses. so halfords are seeing if they can get it in for me. if i'd known i would be spending another £35 i probably would have gotten a different car seat!
Morning abz, Jamie and Carol nearly had that problem, luckily they decided to buy elsewhere. I'm so pleased it's sorted with your boss as well love. How's bump this morning?
Thats a shame Abz its horrible to feel like you've been ripped off! On a positive note the car base is an absolute godsend it stopped alot of backache for me. xx
good afternoon everyone.

we are doing just fine today thanks :)

yeah. i think the base unit will be handy, but since me and my friend will be going out in her car quite a bit it means shifting the whole ruddy thing over!! ha. ah well. most of the time it will be easier. mothercare can order it in and said they would check the fit with the car seat we already have etc, so that's good :) i have come to terms with it. am still going to write to head office when i get a sec though. i think they were absolutely horrid. read get a sec as 'can be bothered'. not sure it's worth the hassle. but i really never want to shop there again!!

how is everyone else doing today?

abz xx
Carol and Jamie have 2 base units, one for each car just so they don't have to do that, and of course cost wasn't a problem 'cos Granddad was buying it. LOL
ha. well jim... we've been pretty lucky in that respect. my mum was buying the car seat and pushchair and insisted on paying more for my stupidness, so we didn't even have to pick up the extra cost. but it's the principle of it and she shouldn't have to pay. i tried to refuse but she was having none of it. my great aunt gave us some money and we've bought most things out of that. thomas's folks apparently told him the other day that they would give us something and asked what other people had contributed and bought for us and then were like 'oh'. i had to laugh when he told me. they were a bit slow off the mark if they wanted to buy specific items. it's not like we can afford to leave it last minute or assume people want to buy us things. so i don't know what they'll do now. no doubt they'll think of something.

haven't heard a thing from my dad so i have no idea about that. but i'm not bothered. we will have everything we need. everything we've spent has so far been on clothes and nappies and bits like that. and we still have plenty more of that to get. so no worries :)

abz xx
Morning abz, the whole family have bought things for Olivia, she has so many clothes Carol says she won't have to wash, just wear and dispose. :D
Morning Abz :) sounds like you have a nice little nursey built up there :D

Glad the car seats been sorted too, what a hassle :(

Hope you're having a nice day today :) it's raining here, boo! It's meant to be like this all weekend too.
Hi Bon, it's peeing it down here as well love. :(
Morning Jim :)

It's not stopped all morning :S typical for the weekend! esp a weekend where I have outdoor plans. Oh well :)

What you up to this weekend Jim?
I don't really have any plans beyond going to the pub, drink a load of guiness and watch the Rugby Bon. :) oh and some Olivia time no doubt.
it's trenching down here too. one of my cat's, who can't really bare to be indoors unless it's night time and cold, nearly didn't go out. and if we'd had any cat food i bet she wouldn't have. but we ran out this morning so they've had a meagre brekkie. jobs for today. pay gas bill. buy cat food :D

pushchair just arrived and i half killed myself getting the wheels on etc. it was really easy but i hadn't realised how much more difficult contorting myself around things had become, ha. but it's fab. never thought i would be able to get this excited over a ruddy pushchair!! :D
i've even sat her only toy in it, a little giraffe. ha. not in the seat, i'm not that sad, just to one side so thomas will see it when he gets in :) it's official... i need to expand my life a little... ha. so not going to happen :D
LOL abz, that's so funny love.
Hi Abz - sounds like things are going really well x
oh. forgot to say. i've gained 12lbs over all so far. well, since 11 weeks. which would be great IF I HADN'T WEIGHED 16 RUDDY STONE AT THAT POINT. so at 16st 12 i am at my heaviest ever. obviously i am pregnant. so it isn't quite the same, ha. but still. over two stones heavier than i was for the wedding... ah well. hopefully there's a lot more water, blood and baby in here than i think, ha.

abz xx
That's not a lot to put on Abz so obviously you are eating quite sensibly at the moment. You will have time after the baby is born to sort out your weight - enjoy being pregnant x
i'm trying.. have just been horribly sick. really wish i didn't know the work toilets as up close and personal as i do. they are really rank!!

am just trying to eat some pasta for lunch. hopefully the carbs will settle my tummy.. if not, well. back to the drawing board i guess...