Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Infacol... is the new gripe water, fantastic stuff saved my guys from a huge amount of colic agony!

I used camomilla sachets for my guys teething, although when they had a snotty nose not much white powder made it into their mouths!
LOL @ abz

No Bonjela it was I think?
Yes - there was a different one available when my kids were little but still a teething gel x
my best mate has these granule things from boots that she swears by, ha. don't know who makes them or what they are called though. i'll be relying on her expertise when the time comes :)
I suspect my expertise is well out of date x
ha. well my mum can't remember a thing gem... she's rather worried about 'getting used to babies' again as there haven't been many in our family. and none that she's had regular contact with. i keep telling her it will all come back to her. at least she's done it all before!! ha.
Tell her "Just go for it - it'll all come back to her" x
i'm sure it will be just fine :) i'm sure i won't be thinking that when suddenly faced with looking after a brand new person, ha. but right now i'm not worried about it :) think i may be being a bit too chilled actually...
Abz - you grows it so you knows it - If you've managed to grow your baby for 9 months without seeing her, I'm sure you can nurture and grow her for the rest of the time x
well that's the plan gem :)

am listening to bon's friend glen charleston :) it's not my usual kind of music but i find his incredibly happifying even though usually i wouldn't bother. just makes me really happy :) figured i could do with a bit of friday feeling :D
abz, I'm sure you'll be Ok and your Mum, it's amazing how it's all come back to me love. :)
i'm sure it will. she's so excited :D :D she used to go on about not being a grandma before she was 50 but she doesn't seem to care now, ha. she shouldn't have had me at the tender age of 21 if things like that bother her :D
I wish our pair had started earlier abz to be honest.
Parenting and grandparenting are amazing things x
well i'm really looking forward to it :D have realised that it's the 24th march next week... so that's only TWO MONTHS until i'm a mummy... scared me somewhat that... ha.

well slimming world has gone well again today. so that's day four done and dusted nearly :) off out to a japanese restaurant and vegetable yaki soba. of course NOW i get indigestion. daren't try the apples or pineapple in case they have adverse effect. have glugged gaviscon and hopefully that will hold things at bay :)

abz xx
Wow Abz, a mum in two months!!! Time has gone very quickly. Well done on your 4 days of SW.

Linz you are doing fab on Atkins babe!

I have been very very busy with work and during Jan I did get very side tracked and enjoyed life, hence I was AWOL. Back now and have lost 2.1kgs in 6 days. Doing Cohen's during the week and WW on the weekend.

Well off to do some work for the school now.

Morning Abz x

Hi Bren - do you teach are are you support staff at school? x